

字词 共同利益


common interests


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 86.


共同利益(common interests)不局限于某个单个的个体,不可能也不应该为其所独有。通常,共同利益可以指代共同体利益,或是利益关系的产物。共同体是个宽泛的概念。一个组织、一个社区、一个地区、一个国家甚至是整个人类社会,都可以分别看作是共同体。作为现实的载体,这些不同层次的共同体都存在着自身的利益,因而可以分别被看作是利益共同体。人们参与组织的目的是为获得比个人活动更多的利益,因此共同利益是指“在组织的总利益中超出单个人正常收益,属于全体戚员共同拥有的那部分利益”(《共同利益》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/8432538-8752406.html)。国家间的合作与冲突是由国家利益决定的。由于各国的国家性质与追求的国家利益不同,执行的对外政策也不同,各国间存在着复杂的利益关系,既存在着某些共同利益,也必然存在着本国利益的差别和对立。国家间的共同利益是国家合作的基础。利益的对立则可能使国家间发生分歧或引起磨擦乃至冲突。从长远来看,各国的本国利益和国家间的共同利益存在着一致性。加强国家间的对话与协商,维护国家间的共同利益最终有利于本国利益的实现(via: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1899201580373043580.html)。


[1] 共同利益.via:
[2] via: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1899201580373043580.html


1. 国有企业是推进国家现代化、保障人民共同利益的重要力量。经过多年改革,国有企业总体上已经同市场经济相融合。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:78

1. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) constitute an important force for advancing modernisation and protecting the common interests of the people. Through many years of reform SOEs have by and large assimilated themselves into the market economy. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 86.

2. 要继续加强在联合国、二十国集团、国际经济金融机构等框架内的协调和配合,维护共同利益。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:325

2. We should continue to step up coordination and cooperation under the frameworks of the United Nations, the G20 and international economic and financial institutions to uphold our common interests. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 357.

3. 我们要同舟共济、和衷共济、共同发展,建立更加平等均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系,增进人类共同利益,共同建设一个更加美好的地球家园的信息——这是习近平在历次出访中反复传递的信息。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:441

3. Xi’s foreign visits have sent out a signal that countries should work together to establish a more equal and balanced global partnership, so as to safeguard the common interests of all of humanity and make the earth a better place. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 491.


例句 1:
National identity is a topic of the relationship between Taiwan and China that has been discussed constantly, which is closed to the Chinese people’s common interests.

例句 2:
The concept of “the common interests of mankind” was generated in the beginning of human existence .But it did not mark the conception of safe guarding the common interests of mankind in international law until the concept “common heritage of mankind” was proposed.

例句 3:
In detail, neighboring countries in a region pursue common interests; each country shares the regional burden while major powers bear greater burden; countries in a region treat open regionalism as principle, and pursue cooperative security, and focus on regional institutional construction.





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