

字词 共建网络空间命运共同体


jointly building a community with a shared future in cyberspace; jointly building a community of a shared future in cyberspace


[1] 共建网络空间命运共同体.中国关键词. via:http://keywords.china.org.cn/2016-12/16/content_39927938.htm
[2] 习近平出席第二届世界互联网大会开幕式并发表主旨演讲. via:http://2015.wicwuzhen.cn/system/2015/12/16/020955247.shtml




[1] 安静.网络主权原则是全球网络治理的必然选择[J].红旗文稿,2016,04.
[2] 鲁炜.坚持尊重网络主权原则 推动构建网络空间命运共同体[J].求是,2016,05.


1. 以“互联互通、共享共治——构建网络空间命运共同体”为主题的第二届世界互联网大会16日在浙江乌镇开幕,中共中央总书记、中国国家主席习近平出席大会开幕式并发表讲话。习近平就共同构建网络空间命运共同体提出5点主张。习近平说,网络空间是人类共同的活动空间,网络空间前途命运应由世界各国共同掌握。各国应该加强沟通、扩大共识、深化合作,共同构建网络空间命运共同体。——《习近平就共同构建网络空间命运共同体提出5点主张》,新华网 via:http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2015-12/16/c_128536396.htm

1. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged all countries to jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace. Xi made the remarks when addressing the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference (WIC) in the river town of Wuzhen in east China's Zhejiang Province. Cyberspace is the common space of mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all nations. Countries should step up communication, broaden consensus and deepen cooperation, Xi said. -Quoted from President Xi urges to build a community of shared future in cyberspace, Xinhuanet, via: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-12/16/c_134922931.htm

2. 刘云山说,互联网是人类共同的新家园,构建网络空间命运共同体是国际社会的共同责任。习近平主席关于全球互联网发展治理的“四项原则”、“五点主张”,受到广泛赞同。中国互联网经过20多年发展,走出了一条具有中国特色的发展治理之路。脸谱拥有先进技术和管理方式,希望与中国互联网企业加强交流、分享经验,增进相互了解,推动互联网发展成果更好地惠及各国人民。——《刘云山会见脸谱公司创始人扎克伯格》,中华人民共和国中央人民政府,via:http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2016-03/19/content_5055533.htm

2. “Cyberspace is the common space of mankind, and it is the common responsibility for the international community to build a ‘community of shared future’ in cyberspace,” said Liu, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Chinese President Xi Jinping called for building a community of shared future in cyberspace last December when addressing the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference in east China’s Zhejiang Province. President Xi's four-point principles and five-point proposals on global internet governance have won much popularity, said Liu. Liu said China’s internet industry, after undergoing over-20-year’s development, has taken on a development path of governance with Chinese characteristics. Liu expressed hope that Facebook, which has advanced technology and governance mode, should work with Chinese internet enterprises to enhance exchanges and share experience so as to make outcome of the internet development better benefit the people of all countries. -Quoted from Senior CPC leader meets Facebook founder Zuckerberg, en.people.cn, via:http://en.people.cn/n3/2016/0320/c90882-9032742.html

3. 本届大会主题为“创新驱动造福人类——携手共建网络空间命运共同体”。大会除开幕式、闭幕式以外,聚焦论坛、博览会、全球领先成果发布三大功能。大会设置了16场论坛、20个议题,涉及互联网经济、互联网创新、互联网文化、互联网治理、互联网国际合作等前沿热点问题。“互联网之光”博览会将集中展示中国互联网发展成就和全球范围内互联网技术成果,300多家中外知名互联网企业将各展所长。大会首次推出世界互联网领先科技成果发布活动,将充分汇集和展示全球最领先、最前沿的一批互联网新技术新成果。——《第三届世界互联网大会记者报名注册工作启动》,世界互联网大会官网,via:http://www.wicwuzhen.cn/system/2016/10/12/021328856.shtml

3. With a theme of “Innovation-driven Internet Development for the Benefit of All – Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace”, the Conference will be composed of forums, an Expo, and a release event in addition to the opening and closing ceremonies. The Conference will have 16 forums covering 20 hot issues, such as Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, governance in cyberspace and international cooperation on Internet. The Light of the Internet Expo will highlight China’s Internet development and the technological achievements of the Internet in the global context. More than 300 well-known Internet corporations from home and abroad will showcase their advantages at the Expo. The Conference, for the first time, will release cutting-edge scientific achievements in the Internet sector to the world at large, displaying globally leading state-of-the-art Internet techniques. -Quoted from Media registration for the 3rd World Internet Conference starts Oct 12, wuzhenwic.org, via: http://www.wuzhenwic.org/2016-10/13/c_58773.htm


例句 1:
Xi Jinping's idea of network governance is based on the "Four Comprehensives" blueprint, offering a new way to establish a network with Chinese characteristics; focus on the strategy of "build the nation into a network superpower", opening up a new perspective to realize the great Chinese rejuvenation dream; grasps the "network security" lifeline, providing a new approach to achieving national security and social stability; docks the great theme of "human destiny community", offering a new plan to build a global "network space destiny community".

例句 2:
Since The Party of Eighteen, General Secretary Xi Jinping according to the requirements of the new characteristics of the times and history, standing in the height of the global, put forward a series of new ideas of a socialist harmonious society from different dimensions and levels for the construction. These mainly include: actively promote the construction





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