

字词 意志 

意志 【英】



[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:353.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 193.






1. 18世纪末德国的状况完全反映在康德的“实践理性批判”中。当时,法国资产阶级经过历史上最大的一次革命跃居统治地位,并且夺得了欧洲大陆;当时,政治上已经获得解放的英国资产阶级使工业发生了革命并在政治上控制了印度,在商业上控制了世界上所有其他地方;但软弱无力的德国市民只有“善良意志”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:211

1. The state of affairs in Germany at the end of the last century is fully reflected in Kant’s Kritik der practischen Vernunft. While the French bourgeoisie, by means of the most colossal revolution that history has ever known, was achieving domination and conquering the Continent of Europe, while the already politically emancipated English bourgeoisie was revolutionising industry and subjugating India politically, and all the rest of the world commercially, the impotent German burghers did not get any further than “good will”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 193.

2. 尤其请大家需要着重鉴别的是,这个自然秩序已经不完全是康德那种外在的“自然意图”(固然它有时还披着神学或者封建的外衣),而是存在于人与人之间的经济活动中但不以个人意志为转移的客观规律。这种规律恰恰是通过人与人的自由竞争自发实现的。例如,自由竞争可以将劳动以正确的比例分配给各产业部门,以形成一种合理比例的自组织。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:47-48

2. We must be careful to differentiate one point, which is that the natural order spoken of by the physiocrats is not Kant’s “intention of Nature” (though it is true that the intention of Nature was sometimes described in theological or feudal terms). Rather, the natural order is an objective law, which exists in the economic activities of inter-human relationships; however, it is not determined by human will. Thus, the natural law is spontaneously realized through free competition between individuals. For instance, free competition can distribute the correct proportion of labor to various production departments, creating a natural organization of reasonable proportions. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 21.

3. 他们的基本思想(在摘自马克思著作的上述引文中也己表达得十分明确)是把社会关系分成物质的社会关系和思想的社会关系。思想的社会关系不过是物质的社会关系的上层建筑,而物质的社会关系是不以人的意志和意识为转移而形成的,是人维持生存的活动的。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:120-121

3. Their basic idea (quite definitely expressed, for instance, in the passage from Marx quoted above) was that social relations are divided into material and ideological. The latter merely constitute a superstructure on the former, which take shape independent of the will and consciousness of man as (the result) the form of man’s activity to maintain his existence. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 151


例句 1:
The will has a potential tendency to make rules for agent. There are two kinds of principles impact on will, one is a subjective principle of volition called maxim, and the other is objective principle called practical law.

例句 2:
General Will is a public will and the upper guide of the sovereignty community, and it, which is the measure of all, represents the public interests and social happiness of the community.

例句 3:
The writer explores the interrelationship, functional mechanism and inner structure of the irrational factors with the irrational as a dimension of integrating entity, laying a foundation for the research on the value of the irrational, elaborates on the value and roles of the irrational in the above areas from the dimensions of the role of the irrational in human cognizance and the role of the irrational in the soci





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