

字词 党员


(CPC) Party member(s)


[1] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 19.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 103.


党员即政党的成员,是赞同某党的纲领和政策、遵守党章、自愿加入该党的成员。党员是构成政党的基石和细胞。党员的数量决定政党的规模和群众基础,党员的素质在很大程度上决定政党的水平。党员有一定的权利和义务,受党纪的约束,在实现党的决议(纲领、路线、方针、政策)方面起重大作用。一般政党都重视吸收、挑选和培训党员,并依靠党员开展活动,以实现该党的主张。各类政党和各国政党的党员资格和作用等有所不同。中国共产党的党员是中国工人阶级的有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士。凡年满十八岁的中国工人、农民、军人、知识分子和其他革命分子,承认党的纲领和章程,愿意参加党的一个组织并在其中积极工作,执行党的决议和按期交纳党费的,可以申请加入中国共产党。申请入党的人,要填写入党志愿书,有两名正式党员介绍,经过支部大会讨论通过和上级党组织批准,并经过预备期的考察,才能成为正式党员。中国共产党是无产阶级的先锋队,对党员有明确的和严格的要求。1982年中国共产党第十二次代表大会通过的章程第1条规定:“年满十八岁的中国工人、农民、军队、知识分子和其他革命分子,承认党的纲领和章程,愿意参加党的一个组织并在其中积极工作、执行党的决议和按期交纳党费的,可以申请加入中国共产党。”党章还要求全体党员“必须全心全意为人民服务,不惜牺牲个人的一切,为实现共产主义奋斗终身”(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=3Aqc8FR7asaRr7vTTu9H2kWC15W0FV4coPC2k3UDyUqDZAZWtVY_L2Y-va2kCM0wQ5plYsmHEbonujnVTMEP2_)。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=3Aqc8FR7asaRr7vTTu9H2kWC15W0FV4coPC2k3UDyUqDZAZWtVY_L2Y-va2kCM0wQ5plYsmHEbonujnVTMEP2_


1. 其次来说研究历史。虽则说有少数党员和少数党的同情者进行了这一工作,但是不曾有组织地进行过。不论是近百年的和古代的中国史,在许多党员的心目中还是漆黑一团。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:755

1. Second, take the study of history. Although a few Party members and sympathizers have undertaken this work, it has not been done in an organized way. Many Party members are still in a fog about Chinese history, whether of the last hundred years or of ancient times. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 19.

2. 这些因素是:日本坚决灭亡中国的方针使中国处于非战不战的地位,共产党和八路军的存在,中国人民的要求,国民党内多数党员的要求,英、美、法顾虑到国民党投降对于他们的损失,苏联的存在及其援助中国的方针,中国人民对于苏联的深切希望(这种希望不是空的)等等。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:389-390

2. These factors include: Japan’s persistence in its policy of subjugating China, which leaves China no alternative but to fight; the existence of the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army; the wishes of the Chinese people; the wishes of the majority of the Kuomintang members; the anxiety of Britain, the United States and France lest capitulation by the Kuomintang damage their interests; the existence of the Soviet Union and its policy of helping China; the high hopes which the Chinese people place (not without foundation) in the Soviet Union. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 63-64.

3. 即使如此,像季诺维也夫(Zinoviev)和加米涅夫(Kamenev)样一些有影响的党员(他们并不是孤立的)还是继续反对起义,甚至在出版物中公开了这一分歧(因而也公开了列宁的意图)。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:95

3. Even so, such influential members as Zinoviev and Kamenev (and they were not alone) continued to oppose insurrection and even publicised the split (and thus Lenin’s intentions) in print. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 103.


例句 1:
In recent years, with the strengthening constantly of team of Party member of university students, how to improve the pertinence of new Party member's education, it is one of the important subjects that university’s student’s ideological and political work faces.

例句 2:
With great-leap-forward development of Chinese higher education and rapid increase of student party members, challenges in some certain way appear in education for Chinese new era university student party members.

例句 3:
As a basis of the Party’s entire work and fighting force in the countryside, Party members in rural areas assume the responsibility of revitalizing the countryside, developing agriculture, and enriching farmers.





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