

字词 泛神论




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 175.


泛神论(pantheism)是指把神和整个宇宙或自然视为同一的哲学理论。泛神论是东方最古老的思维,其认为神就是万物的本体,“自然法则”是神的化身,这是宗教信仰种类之一,谓宇宙间只有一个长住不变,自有永有,绝对永恒的“本质”。其否认运动是物质的固有属性,物质的客观实在性,万事万物不断发展的多样性,客观规律不以人的意志为转移。认为神就存在于自然界一切事物之中,并没有另外的超自然的主宰或精神力量。(泛神论. via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5753696-5966457.html)此词由英国托兰德在讨论索西尼派观点时于1720年提出,以后人们认为托兰德本人也是泛神论者。泛神论的神既不同于宗教上所信仰的人格神,也不同于自然神论者所主张的作为第一因的神,它既没有类似人的属性,又不凌驾于世界之上,而是存在于世界之内,是世界的内因。思想史上出现过两种类型的泛神论。一种是具有宗教神秘主论义倾向的泛神论,它把自然消解于神之中。一种是具有自然主义倾向的泛神论,它把神熔化于自然之中。现在主要在后一种意义上使用。西方的泛神论是在哲学思极辨的背景下出现的,具有自然主义倾向。(金炳华,2003:690)
 泛神论曾流行于十六世纪到十八世纪的西欧,代表人物有布鲁诺、斯宾诺莎、爱因斯坦等。布鲁诺把宇宙、自然界与神等同起来,认为自然界的物质是永恒存在的,而且自身在运动变化之中。斯宾诺莎则用"神"和 "自然"两个术语表达同一概念,即表示作为万物存在的原因的最高实体。从泛神论又发展出泛自然神论(Pandeism),这是将自然神论和泛神论合并起来的一种哲学观点。这个观点认为上帝在创造了宇宙和它存在的规则之后,将自己化身成宇宙以及世界万物。泛自然神论起源于19世纪的德国的哲学思想界。(泛神论. via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5753696-5966457.html)。


[1] 泛神论.via:
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 他甚至连非常简单的推论,即他借以把精神的统治直接变为教阶制的推论也可以完全不作,因为:在德国理论家中间,用原因来称呼结果,把所有渊源于神学但又还没有完全达到这些德国理论家的原理的高度的东西,如黑格尔的思辨、施特劳斯的泛神论等等,都归结为神学的范畴,已经成为时髦的事了,——这是在1842年十分流行的把戏。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:189

1. There was no need for him even to formulate the simple argument by means of which domination of spirit as such is transformed by him into hierarchy, since it has become the fashion among German theoreticians to give the name of the cause to the effect and, for example, to put back into the category of theology everything that has arisen out of theology and has not yet fully attained the height of the principles of these theoreticians—e.g., Hegelian speculation, Straussian pantheism, etc.—a trick especially prevalent in 1842. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 175.

2. “我倒愿意看一看,这个从康德到费尔巴哈的巨大的浪潮会不会把我抛向泛神论!!” 好像这个浪潮不是恰巧超出泛神论的范围,好像费尔巴哈就是德国哲学的最新成就!—— 《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:287

2. “I should like to see whether the mighty current flowing from Kant to Feuerbach will drive me out into—pantheism!!” As though this current did not go beyond pantheism, and as though Feuerbach were the last word in German philosophy! -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 247.

3. “维特对绿蒂的爱情,只不过是一种激情的泛神论的悲剧的杠杆和体现......维特是个没有脊椎骨的、尚未成为主体的人。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:259

3. “Werther’s love for Lotte is a mere instrument, a vehicle for the tragedy of the radical pantheism of emotion.... Werther is the man who has no vertebra, who has not yet become a subject”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 261.


例句 1:
The paper includes three parts. In first part, I will find the reason of the choice by Mr. Zong to use it to write his poem. Western pantheism is based on the conscious of human's wise and self-conscious. Its main idea is god is nature, this opinion breaks the relationship between god and human.

例句 2:
Poems of Guo Moruo in the period of the May 4th Movement highlighted pantheism.

例句 3:
In the perspective of anthropological philosophy, Feuerbach holds that pantheism is not a philosophical theory that differentiates God from the essence of nature or mankind.





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