

字词 绝对地租


absolute rent


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 300.


绝对地租是指由于土地私有权的存在,租种任何土地都必须缴纳的地租,其实体是农产品价值超过社会生产价格以上的那部分超额利润,即土地所有者凭借土地私有权的垄断所取得的地租,马克思称之为绝对地租。(绝对地租.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E7%BB%9D%E5%AF%B9%E5%9C%B0%E7%A7%9F)
 在资本主义制度下,土地所有者出租的土地无论好坏都要一律收取地租。否则,他宁愿让土地荒芜也不会白白地给农业资本家经营。绝对地租是农产品价值高于其生产价格的余额。在资本主义社会,由于种种原因,农业的资本有机构成一般要低于工业,因此,农业部门所创造的剩余价值高于工业,农产品的价值必然高于其生产价格。由于土地私有权的垄断,农业中较多的剩余价值不参加利润的平均化过程。农产品不是按生产价格出售,而是按高于生产价格的市场价格(即价值)出售,这种价值超过生产价格那一部分超额利润被土地所有者占有,成为绝对地租。绝对地租是超额利润的转化形态,实质上是工人创造的剩余价值的一部分。因此,农业工人所创造的剩余价值是绝对地租的源泉;土地私有权的垄断是产生绝对地租的根本原因;农业资本有机构成低于工业资本有机构成是形成绝对地租的条件。随着资本主义农业现代化的发展,农业的资本有机构成和工业资本有机构成日益接近和拉平。但是只要土地私有权垄断依然存在,绝对地租就会存在。不过,那时的绝对地租只能来自农产品的垄断价格。(绝对地租.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e8%a7%84%e6%a8%a1%e4%b8%8d%e7%bb%8f%e6%b5%8e&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*)


[1] 绝对地租.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e8%a7%84%e6%a8%a1%e4%b8%8d%e7%bb%8f%e6%b5%8e&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*
[2] 绝对地租.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E7%BB%9D%E5%AF%B9%E5%9C%B0%E7%A7%9F
[3] 约翰·伊特韦尔.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第一卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996.


1. 马斯洛夫先生写道:“绝对地租理论同第3卷所论述的全部分配理论之间的矛盾实在太明显,因此只能作这样的解释:第3卷是在作者死后出版的,把作者的草稿也收进去了。”(《土地问题》第3版第108页的注释)——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:265

1. “The contradiction between the theory of absolute rent and the whole theory of distribution expounded in Volume III,” writes Mr. Maslov, “is so glaring that one can only account for it by the fact that Volume III is a posthumous publication containing also the rough notes of the author.” (The Agrarian Question, 3rd ed., p.108, footnote.) -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 300.

2. 因此,说地租的增长是促使进步的“独立的刺激因素”,是不正确的。从理论上说,资本主义生产同土地不是私有而是国有完全可以相容(考茨基的书第207页),那时绝对地租就完全没有了,而级差地租则由国家获得。在这种情况下促使农艺进步的刺激因素不但不会削弱,反而会大大地加强。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:123

2. It is, therefore, incorrect to state, that the rise in rent is an “independent incentive” to progress. Theoretically, it is possible for capitalist production to exist in the absence of private property in land, i.e., with the land nationalized (Kautsky, S. 207), when absolute rent would not exist at all, and differential rent would be appropriated by the state. This would not weaken the incentive to agronomic progress; on the contrary, it would greatly increase it. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 147.

3. 在欧洲由于过去历史的发展,地租都提得很高(无论是级差地租或绝对地租都是如此),并且通过地价固定下来了。相反,我们看到,在美国、阿根廷等殖民地(只要这些地方还是殖民地)却有闲置的土地,新的移民可以完全无偿地占用,或者只要花极低的价钱,而且那里肥沃的处女地使生产费用降低到最低限度。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:133

3. In Europe, ground rent has been raised by preceding historical development to an extremely high level (both differential and absolute rent) and is fixed in the price of land.* On the other hand, in the colonies (America, Argentina, and others), insofar as they remain colonies, we see free land occupied by new settlers, either entirely gratis or for an insignificant price; moreover, the virginal fertility of this land reduces production costs to a minimum. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 157-158.


例句 1:
Marxian theory of absolute ground-rent considers absolute rent generates from land ownership and produces under such a superprofit, the result of value of farm production higher than production price as the organic formation of agricultural capital is lower than that of social average capital, so absolute ground - rent remains a part of surplus value.

例句 2:
Karl MARX’s landtax theory was founded on the basis of the criticism and inheritance of David RICARDO’s landtax theory which is based on labor theory of value and was spoken highly of by MARX who, meanwhile, analyzed and criticized numerous errors of the starting point of RICARDO’s landtax theory, cost price and value, the defect(s) of the definition of land tax, property in land as a premise and the relationship between soil fertility and land tax in his Economic Manuscripts of 1861-1863. MARX pointed out that these errors of RICA





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