

字词 绝对精神


absolute spirit; absolute mind


[1]     Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Uinversitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 35.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:22.


绝对精神是德国哲学家黑格尔在其《精神哲学》中提出的重要哲学概念, 绝对精神是客观独立存在的某种宇宙精神,这种精神实为一种逻辑思维,是脱离了人并与客观世界相分离的,只以概念形式表现出来。绝对精神是先于自然界和人类社会永恒存在着的实在,是宇宙万物的内在本质和核心,万物只是它的外在表现(金炳华,2003:22)。在黑格尔看来,绝对精神指普遍的永恒的精神,而非有限的个人的精神,亦即无所不包的整体——“绝对物”,是万事万物的最终的根据和真理(张世英,1991:580)。精神哲学由“主观精神”、“客观精神”和“绝对精神”三部分组成,其中“绝对精神”是“主观精神”与“客观精神”的统一,是它们二者的“真理”。他进一步强调,“绝对精神”不仅是形式与内容的统一,即主体与客体的统一,而且也是一个自己发展自己、自己证明自己的过程。“绝对精神”的自我发展有三个阶段:第一阶段是逻辑阶段,揭示“绝对精神”作为纯粹抽象的逻辑概念不断丰富自己、发展自己的过程;第二阶段是自然阶段,“绝对精神”在发展的过程中外化为自然界;第三阶段为精神阶段,在这里,“绝对精神”又扬弃自然界,先后表现为“主观精神”(个人意识)、“客观精神”(社会意识)和“绝对精神”。这是一个返回自身的运动,同时又是发展自身、证明自身、使自身具体化的过程。因此,黑格尔称“绝对精神是一个全体”。在这个全体中包含了黑格尔的辩证法思想(卢之超,1993:347)。黑格尔的这个概念直接来自谢林关于最高本原是主体和客体的绝对同一性的客观唯心主义原则,是剔除其非理性主义成分和加以辩证改造的结果。在新黑格尔主义那里,这个概念恢复了反理性主义的性质并加进了主观唯心主义的内容。绝对精神是绝对化了的、脱离了人和社会存在的社会意识形式,特别是哲学意识形式。马克思主义哲学摒弃了黑格尔的这个唯心主义概念,但批判地肯定和吸取了绝对精神学说中对于人类发展的某些真实关系的真实阐述(绝对精神.via:http://baike.baidu.com/view/44259.htm)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 张世英.黑格尔辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1991.
[3] 卢之超.马克思主义大辞典[Z].北京:中国和平出版社.1993.
[4] 绝对精神义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/view/44259.htm


1. 通俗地说,就是马背上的拿破仑与绝对精神、斯密的“看不见的手”与“理性的狡计”的内在关联。其中与本书所论说的主题最关切也最重要的一个联结点,就是作为工业进程理论映照的古典经济学与黑格尔哲学的关系。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:64

1. Simply put, he sought for the internal relation between Napoleon on horseback and the Absolute Spirit, as well as Smith’s “invisible hand” and “the cunning of Reason.” Of course, the subject most apposite and important to the discussion of this book is the relationship between classical economics, as the theoretical reflection of industrial progress, and Hegel’s philosophy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35-36.

2. 第二次,绝对观念从天国(《逻辑学》)出发,其总体异化在经历自然沉沦之后,劳动成为异化主体经历的第三阶段,即绝对精神假手社会历史运转实现自身中的一种必然手段。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:68

2. The second is the departure of Absolute Idea from Heaven (Science of Logic); after experiencing the natural fall in the process of the total alienation of the Absolute Idea, labor becomes the third stage in the alienation of the subject. This is the necessary means by which the Absolute Spirit realizes itself through the working of social history. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 40.

3. 其实,总体性的哲学体系并不是直接缘起于“绝对精神”和上帝的体系,而正是现实社会生活中一些人受到制约的精神体系,重要的是“这些人具有它却又不知道它在多大程度上属于他们”,如自由主义意识形态与市场的无意识链接。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:16

3. In reality, the totalized philosophical system does not derive from one of “absolute spirit” or God; rather, it is a system in a real life that enslaves human beings, who have it and cannot even know how much it is their own, for example, the unconscious connection between ideology of liberalism and market. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 34.


例句 1:
Hegel sublates Spinoza’s substance, Kant’s apperception, Fichte’s absolute selbst and Schelling’s objective subject-object, proposes absolute spirit as an absolute highest concept, and achieves the unity of subject and object through the the self-disunion and re-unification of absolute spirit, regarding the opposition of subject and object as an inevitable moment of the process in the development of absolute spirit.

例句 2:
Marx believes that human nature is self-consciousness in Hegel, the historical and dialectical productive process of man is the externalization of absolute spirit and the sublation of this externalization. In this process, labor is the fundamental force, but this labor is spiritual, not the real practice, and man has to obey to absolute spirit in this process.

例句 3:
On the contrary, it is just a political phenomenology crit





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