

字词 绝望


despair; disillusionment


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:698.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 285.




[1] 朱贻庭.伦理学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2002.
[2] 绝望.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=izIpv_HnV4V3YYk5VRChM1xpi1vW5p2EJe4XGk-VXga7DaHmY08T7m8mlLepZPScUawNQEd4ITxwKRJRqRxb9eoWa7rsYTLywhxEON7DoQC.


1. “这是对自己得救感到绝望,这种绝望想以否定上帝来压倒良心的呼声。”不错,这是对自己得救感到绝望,这种绝望把个人的弱点变成了人类的弱点,为的是从自己的良心上去掉这一负担;这是对人类得救感到绝望,这种绝望阻止人类遵循天生的自然规律,宣扬不成熟是一种必然现象;这是伪善,它借口有一个上帝,却既不相信上帝的现实性,也不相信善的全能;这是利己心,它把个人得救置于整体得救之上。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷):》,1960: 184

1. “It is despair of one's own salvation which seeks to stifle the voice of conscience by denial of God.” It is despair of one's own salvation which makes personal weaknesses into weaknesses of mankind, in order to rid one's own conscience of them; it is despair of the salvation of mankind which prevents mankind from obeying its innate natural laws and preaches the necessity of immaturity; it is hypocrisy which shelters behind God without believing in His reality and in the omnipotence of the good; it is self-seeking which puts personal salvation above the salvation of all. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 169.

2. 霍克海姆对卢森堡的思想和活动的钦佩,也表明了这样的观点。然而,该研究所强调对社会作整体性分析,也就妨碍了对具体政治问题的关注。譬如,他们没有与科尔施保持沟通,而科尔施是一位最接近他们的总体观点的政治活动价。总而言之,他们没有愿意接受其理论的听众,他们对斯大林主义的绝望,也意味着德国共产党对他们来说是同样不能接受的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:271

2. And this point of view also found expression in Horkheimer’s admiration for the thought and action of Rosa Luxemburg. Nevertheless, the Institute’s emphasis on a general analysis of society precluded any attention to specifically political problems: they failed, for example, to maintain contact with Korsch, the political activist who most nearly approximated tot heir general viewpoint. In any case, they had no ready audience for their theories: their disillusionment with Stalinism meant that the KPD was equally unacceptable to them. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 285.

3. 他们的每一句话和每一个姿势在较好的情况下显露出绝望,在怀的情况下则显露出绝望背后的内心空虚:他们已完全离开无产阶级、它的道路、它的使命。他们成为信仰和力图用“宗教”名称加以贬低的东西,正好是对资本主义注定要没落、无产阶级革命—— 最终——要获胜的确信。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996: 96

3. Every word and gesture betrays the despair of the best of them and the inner emptiness of the worst: their complete divorce form the proletariat, from its path and from vacation. What they call faith and seek to deprecate by adding the epithet “religious” is nothing more nor less than the certainty that capitalism is doomed and that—ultimately—the proletariat will be victorious. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 43.


例句 1:
Kierkegaard put emptiness, fear, desperation into category of aesthetic existence. It has great value in developing of studying aesthetic existence and exist condition of modern human. But his theory have obvious contradictions, such as he regard submiting to God as backing to the essence of human.

例句 2:
As a kind of human experience of life, Despair expresses a soul which is negative, pessimistic, depressed and gloomy, in the prevailing modem Chinese. View from the perspective of life aesthetics, as a typical feeling of SENSE, Despair has largely restored the aesthetics of human spirit and human aura in the face of adversity and difficulties.

例句 3:
Lu Xun expressed his hope in his will that he did not want his children to become writers and artists. 11tis has often been viewed as Lu Xun’s nihilism out of his disil





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