

字词 民惟邦本


the people are the foundation of a state


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 190.


民惟邦本,原文“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”,出自《尚书·五子之歌》。这句话所代表的“民本”思想,是我国古代政治哲学和政治伦理的核心。儒家提倡行仁政,孟子提出“民贵君轻”观点,指出“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”。随后的荀子提出:“君者,舟也;庶人,水也。水则载舟,水则覆舟。”自汉代确立了儒家的主导地位,“民本”思想也成了治理国家的核心指导思想。中国古代“民惟邦本”的国家治理思想大多是以维护、巩固和改善君王的统治,来观照“民”为“邦本”的,强调“顺民”、“敬民”、“养民”、“利民”、“恤民”,也是旨在提醒君王必须重视自己存在的条件和基础;不是对专制君王的否定,而是要通过重民、施仁政来巩固君王地位、张显君王隆恩。从这个意义上说,这些思想更偏重于工具理性而非价值理性。尽管如此,中国古代“民惟邦本”的国家治理思想中蕴含了对于“民”重要性的认识,这些以民为本的思想,作为一种极具感召力和吸引力的政治理想和施政理念,为历代政治家和思想家不断丰富和发展,经过几千年的流变,渗透在中国传统文化的诸多方面,积淀在中华民族的文化心理结构之中,影响深远(凌琦,2016:16)。“民惟邦本”是中国共产党执政为民、推进国家治理体系现代化的有益思想因子。中国共产党执政为民的理念是在充分汲取中国古代“民惟邦本”的国家治理思想中蕴涵的积极因子的基础之上,去粗取精,去伪存真,不断注入新的时代内涵,逐渐形成和发展的(凌琦,2016:21)。习近平总书记自党的十八大以来,在系列讲话中多次引用了“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”的政治格言,充分表达了习近平总书记一贯坚持的“以民为本,执政为民”的治国理念。例如,2014 年5 月 4 日在北京大学师生座谈会上的讲话中,习近平总书记就把“民惟邦本”列为中华文化的核心理念第一条。2015年10月20日,习近平主席在英国议会发表讲话指出,“在中国,民本和法制思想自古有之,几千年前就有‘民惟邦本,本固邦宁’的说法。”




1. 比如,中华文化强调“民惟邦本”、“天人合一”、“和而不同”、强调“天行健,君子以自强不息”、“大道之行也,天下为公”; 强调“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”,主张以以德治国、以文化人;强调“君子喻于义”、“君子坦荡荡”、“君子义以为质”; 强调“言必信,行必果”、“人而无信,不知其可也”、强调“德不孤,必有邻”、“仁者爱人”、“与人为善”、“己所不欲,勿施于人”、“出入相友,守望相助”、“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼”、“扶贫济困”、“不患寡而患不均”,等等。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:170

1. Here are some quotations from ancient classics that I’d like to share with you today:“The people are the foundation of a state,”“The harmony of Nature and man,”“Harmony without uniformity,”“As Heaven changes through movement, a gentleman makes unremitting efforts to perfect himself,”“When the Great Way prevailed, a public spirit ruled all under Heaven,”“Everyone is responsible for his country’s rise of fall,”“Govern the country with virtue and educate the people with culture,”“A gentleman has a good knowledge of righteousness,”“A gentleman is broad-minded,”“A gentleman takes morality as his bedrock,”“Be true in word and resolute in deed,”“If a man does not keep his word, what is he good for?”“A man of high moral quality will never feel lonely,”“The benevolent man loves other,”“Do things for the good of others,”“Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you,”“Care for each other and help one another,”“Respect others’ elders as one respects one’s own, and care for others’ children as one cares for one’s own,”“Help the poor and assist those in difficulty,”“Care less about quantity and more about quality.” -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 190.


例句 1:
The ideological and theoretical foundation for the consolidating party’s mass base derives primarily from traditional Chinese political culture, “people are the foundation”.

例句 2:
People-oriented thought was from the sentence "People is the foundation of the country", The Classic of History. During the Spring and Autumn warring state period, under the disordered situation there were many politicians and thinkers show up. They revealed the open mind, great political ambition and established the ideal social order.

例句 3:
The people taking the country as the root and the solid root making the country as peace was use to condense the relations between the emperor and his subjects in ancient China, the nature of which served as the theoretical tool for the ruler who enjoyed the idea that those who win the hearts of the people win the country.





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