所谓管理哲学(management philosophy),就是对一般管理的世界观与方法论的总称,是管理学与哲学的交叉部分,管理哲学兼具二者的特性。“管理哲学”一般是指科学管理中的普遍原理、原则和哲学观。美国哈佛管理丛书《企业管理百科全书》认为所谓管理哲学是指最高管理者为人处事的信仰和价值观等。所谓管理哲学,是指企业最高主管人为人处事之基本信仰,观念及价值偏好。影响一个企业家决策品质优劣之因素,在于他本人管理哲学的进取或守旧程度。从广义抽象层方面说:管理哲学是激发企业家信仰、观念、原则、价值的动力。就狭义实务层面言:管理哲学是企业家选择行为典型的成本,促进效益评估的决策体系。在管理行为上,哲学的基础决定行为的趋向。管理哲学与企业经营的因果关系宛如火车头与车厢的关系(《管理哲学》,via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/管理哲学)。人们在实践中体验到改进企业的有效途径:高层应有管理哲学素养,中层应研究管理科学方法,低层应具备企业经营技术。使知识传播积累形成的管理哲学,凝聚成为企业高层的决策,而中、低层则形成管理实务,以牵动管理的成效。
例句 1:
By the development of management practice, inner connection between philosophy and management and inseparable relationship between theory and practice create management philosophy “management philosophy is management of philosophy”.
例句 2:
This phenomenon of western management theory jungle that this text appeared since 60 times of the 20th century is had in mind, to probe into the difference of modern western managed philosophy on the philosophy view, and the deep influence that this kind of difference brings to the management theory.
例句 3:
The 21st century is manages philosophic century, facing society’s development and global economics’ prosperous, the processing glorious serious historic tradition and swift development’s modern civilization's relations, unearths ancient's outstanding management philosophic thinking, utilizes it in the modernization, provides the sustained development driving force for the modern civilization, is our