

字词 齐泽克


Slavoj Žižek


Slavoj Žižek. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavoj_%C5%BDi%C5%BEek


斯拉沃依·齐泽克(Slavoj Žižek),1949年3月21日生于斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那市,是目前欧洲和美国激进学界有影响的人物。他的影响遍及精神分析学、哲学、文学和电影研究。齐泽克的哲学并不是一种绝对原创的东西。在理论逻辑和政治立场上,他首先是一个拉康主义者,然后算是一个在西方语境中的左派分子。1971年在卢布尔雅那大学文学院哲学系获文科(哲学和社会学)学士学位,1975年在该系获文科(哲学)硕士学位,1981年在该系获文科(哲学)博士学位,1985年在巴黎第八大学获文科(精神分析学)博士学位。80年代,在政治上积极投身于斯洛文尼亚的抉择运动。1990年,在斯洛文尼亚共和国的第一次多党选举中成为总统候选人。1991年任斯洛文尼亚共和国科学大使,可不久便弃官回到大学任教,并在欧美及世界各地讲学,从事研究工作。在学术舞台上,他最早将马克思与拉康哲学嫁接起来而独创一门。齐泽克自己声称,他不是一个马克思主义者,甚至不是一个正统的西方马克思主义传人,但在自己的学术研究中,又始终坚持了马克思对资本主义的批判精神。不过,这种批判又总是通过拉康的中介和渗透(戴里等,2005:31)。目前已经发表40余种论著和大量论文,在当代学界特别是激进思潮中有广泛的影响。其代表作有:《意识形态的崇高对象》(1989年)、《斜视》(1991年)、《快感大转移》(1994年)、《易碎的绝对》(2000年)、《回到列宁》(2002年)。




1. 齐泽克那种拉康式的意识形态论是当代西方激进话语中的一个绝对另类的图景,它以拉康那种众人无法直达的复杂语境构建起一种异质性的社会批判理论逻辑。在他这里,象征性的符号机器通过对主体的质询,使大写的他者制造出其内在渴望的欲望对象,由此,社会层面上的意识形态幻象构筑起遮蔽社会存在本体论上的最终不可能性的幻象,以支撑社会现实的总体性。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:403

1. Zizek’s Lacanian ideology forms a conspicuous scene in the western radical discourse. He constructs a heterogeneous critique with the Lacanian complex context. To Zizek, the symbolic sign machine makes the big Other generate its internal object of desire by questioning the subject. Hence, the ideological fantasy on the social level bui1ds the illusion which masks the ultimate impossibility in the ontological sense in order to support the totality of social reality. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 515.

2. 齐泽克举的另一个重要的例子是今天一些西方大国以人权问题为由对第三世界国家的干涉。他说,在这种情况下,那些在第三世界国家中“非常‘真实’的是大多数基本人权在该国家没有受到尊重”,而外部干涉也许会真的改善这些国家的人权状况,但是,“只要没有提到干涉的真实动机(经济利益等等),这样的合法化依然是‘与意识形态相关的’”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:382

2. Zizek cites another example: “some Western power intervenes in a Third World country on account of violations of human rights, it may well be ‘true’ that in this country the most elementary human rights were not respected, and that the Western intervention will effectively improve the human rights record, yet such a legitimization none the less remains ‘ideological’ in so far as it fails to mention the true motives of the intervention (economic interests, etc.).” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 493-494.

3. 齐泽克认为,正是在这个意义上,相对于人与人之间那种直接的拜物教,第二种拜物教是“祛拜物教化(defetishized)”或者是不完全拜物教。这又是齐泽克自己的发明。因为在资本主义社会中,“我们在这里所讲的是‘自由’人之间的关系,每个人追随的都是他自己的利益。他们交互关系中主要的、决定性的形式不是统治和奴役而是在法律面前人人平等的自由人之间的契约”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:376

3. Zizek believes that it is in this sense that the second fetishism, in comparison with the direct fetishism between men, is “defetishized, or, incomplete.” This is another invention by Zizek. In capitalism, we have relations between “free” people, each following his or her proper egoistic interest. The predominant and determining form of their interrelations is not domination and servitude, but rather a contract between free people who are equal in the eyes of the law. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 495.


例句 1:
The unique of Qi Zeki’s ideology theory lies in that he explains the ideology theory with the blending theory of social psychology, cultural psychology and political science.

例句 2:
The core concept of Slavoj Zizek, who is a philosopher in Slovenia, is "Enjoyment", and his theory of psychoanalytic ideologies is gradually formed in the process of the agglutinate of this concept. Slavoj Zizek has opened up a new train of thought for "Enjoyment" on the basis of the combination of Marx and Lacan, and, expanded the concept of enjoyment. For Slavoj Zizek, enjoyment has become powerful tools for analyzing the ideology in modern capitalist society, even what can be seen is Surplus-enjoyment has been the motivation of human for something.

例句 3:
This paper is an attempt to make a thorough examination of Slavoj Zizek, Slovenian philosopher, psychoanalyst and cul





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