字词 | 批判主义 |
释义 | 批判主义【英】criticism译文来源Lenin, V. I. Materialism and Empirio-Criticism: Critical Comments on Reactionary Philosophy [M]. New York: International Pub., 1927: 54. 定义批判与批判主义作为欧洲重要的思想进步出现于17世纪,侧重于对包括宗教经典在内的古代文献进行哲学审视。此后,批判的领域扩到政治、宗教和理性。在19世纪40年代的德国,经过数十年的后革命时代的反动统治,批判主义以对宗教和政治进行哲学批判的形式进一步扩张。1844年,恩格斯和马克思共同撰写讽刺鲍威尔等青年派“批判的批判”理论的著作《神圣家族》,从此开始了他们终生的合作。批判主义广义上还将青年黑格尔派等在内的德国批判理论传统包括在内。作为德国古典哲学的继承人,马克思、恩格斯的部分主要著作曾以“政治经济学批判”为副标题,由此在很长的时间里甚至成为马克思主义的代名词。马克思所致力于研究的“科学”也将“批判”作为其核心要素,而批判毫无疑问更需要科学性。在西方国家,1968年后的英语学术界就特别将“批判”马克思主义和“科学”马克思主义相区别对待。“古德纳的理想分类清晰地反映了当时马克思学术界在认知方式和战略方面的分裂。但此种观点使批判具有了比以往更为狭义的含义。古德纳的《两种马克思主义》构成了批判主义传统的时刻,而非传统本身”(戈兰·瑟伯恩,2008:75)。实际上,20世纪几乎从未达到康德和其他哲学家为启蒙世纪——也就是“真正的批判时代”——所设立的标准。 定义来源戈兰·瑟伯恩. 从马克思主义到后马克思主义?[M]. 孟建华译.社会科学出版社,2008. 例句1. 这样,列宁就担心布尔什维克会被看作哲学上的修正主义者,而孟什维克则被看作正统派哲学家。因此,列宁写《唯物主义和经验批判主义》的目的,不是把哲学上的争论和政治上的争论结合起来,而是要把它们分别开来;倒是孟什维克试图把这二者加以联系,并试图把争论从布尔什维克哲学上的修正主义引申到其政治上的修正主义。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:105 1. Thus Lenin was afraid that the Bolsheviks would be considered to be philosophical revisionists and the Mensheviks orthodox philosophers. The aim of Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-criticism, therefore, was not to join together the issues of philosophy and politics, but rather to separate them: it was the Mensheviks who were trying to join the issues together and argue from the Bolsheviks' revisionism in philosophy to their revisionism in politics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 114. 2. 波格丹诺夫从马赫那里采纳的“只有一点”,而这一点也就是马赫主义的基本错误,就是整个这种哲学的基本错误。波格丹诺夫自以为他和经验批判主义的差异有很重要的意义,但事实上这种差异完全是次要的,它没有超出马赫所赞成的以及赞成马赫的各个经验批判主义者之间的细小的、局部的、个别的差异的范围(关于这点下面再详细地谈)。因此,当波格丹诺夫看到别人把他同马赫主义者混为一谈而愤愤不平的时候,只是暴露出他不了解唯物主义同他自己和其他一切马赫主义者的共同点之间的根本差别。——《唯物主义和经验批判主义》,1908:54 2. This “only one thing” which Bogdanov borrowed from Mach is the basic error of Machism, the basic falsity of its entire philosophy. Those deviations of Bogdanov’s from empirio-criticism to which he himself attaches great significance are in fact of entirely secondary importance and amount to nothing more than inconsiderable private and individual differences between the various empirio-criticists who are approved by Mach and who approve Mach (we shall speak of this in greater detail later). Hence when Bogdanov was annoyed at being confused with the Machians he only revealed his failure to understand what radically distinguishes materialism from what is common to Bogdanov and to all other Machians. -Quoted from Materialism and Empirio-Criticism: Critical Comments on Reactionary Philosophy, 1908: 54. 3. 事实上,玩弄“要素”这个字眼,当然是一种最可怜的诡辩,因为唯物主义者在读马赫和阿芬那留斯的著作时,马上就会提出一个问题:“要素”是什么呢?为造出一个新字眼就可以躲开哲学上的基本派别,那真是童稚之见。或者像一切经验批判主义者,如马赫、阿芬那留斯、彼得楚尔特等等所说的那样,“要素”是感觉,那么,先生们,你们的哲学就是妄图用一个比较“客观的”术语来掩饰唯我论真面目的唯心主义。——《唯物主义和经验批判主义》,1908:31 3. In fact, of course, the trick with the word “element” is a wretched sophistry, for a materialist who reads Mach and Avenarius will immediately ask: what are the “elements"? It would, indeed, be childish to think that one can dispose of the fundamental philosophical trends by inventing a new word. Either the “element” is a sensation, as all empirio-criticists, Mach, Avenarius, Petzoldt, etc., maintain—in which case your philosophy, gentlemen, is idealism vainly seeking to hide the nakedness of its solipsism under the cloak of a more “objective” terminology; or the “element” is not a sensation—in which case absolutely no thought whatever is attached to the “new” term; it is merely an empty bauble. -Quoted from Materialism and Empirio-Criticism: Critical Comments on Reactionary Philosophy, 1908: 51. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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