

字词 产业革命


industrial revolution


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 381.


亦译工业革命(The Industrial Revolution),产业革命开始于十八世纪六十年代,通常认为它发源于英格兰中部地区,是指资本主义工业化的早期历程,即资本主义生产完成了从工场手工业向机器大工业过渡的阶段。它是生产技术上的革命,也引起了社会生产关系的重大变革。工业革命是以机器取代人力,以大规模工厂化生产取代个体工场手工生产的一场生产与科技革命。由于机器的发明及运用成为了这个时代的标志,因此历史学家称这个时代为“机器时代”(the Age of Machines)。18世纪中叶,英国人瓦特改良蒸汽机之后,由一系列技术革命引起了从手工劳动向动力机器生产转变的重大飞跃。随后向英国乃至整个欧洲大陆传播,19世纪传至北美。一般认为,蒸汽机、煤、铁和钢是促成工业革命技术加速发展的四项主要因素。英国最早开始工业革命也是最早结束工业革命的国家。产业革命是资本主义社会发展的必然产物。资本主义工场手工业的发展和科学技术的进步,为向大机器工业过渡准备了条件(金炳华,2003:345)。




1. 在亚太各经济体共同努力下,亚太地区资金、信息、人员流动已经达到很高水平,产业分工日渐清晰,亚太大市场初具轮廓。正在酝酿的新科技革命和产业革命将为亚太地区积聚优势。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:346

1. Thanks to the concerted efforts of all its economies, the Asia Pacific region boasts a high level of free movement of capital, information and people, and an increasingly clear division of labor. A substantial Asia Pacific market is emerging. The new scientific and industrial revolution that is now in the making will add to the existing strength of the region. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 381.

2. 马克思在该笔记本中所涉及的另一本重要论著是乌尔于1836年出版的《工场哲学》。这本书深受拜比吉著作的影响,它同样是对产业革命的具体分析,也包含了一定程度上的经济理论思考。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:345

2. The other important content of this notebooks deals with Ure’s The Philosophy of Manufactures, published in 1836. This book was heavily influenced by Babbage’s work. It also contains a concrete analysis of the industrial revolution, including a certain level of economic theoretical reflection. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 266.

3. 这种观点完全是自然而不可避免地从西斯蒙第的整个思想领域中产生的。他恰好生活在这样一个时期,当时大机器工业在欧洲大陆刚刚开始发展,当时,在机器的影响下(请注意,正是在机器工业而不是在“资本主义”的影响下),全部社会关系开始受到急剧的改造,这种改造在经济学中通常称为产业革命(industrial revolution)。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:204

3. This point of view follows quite naturally and inevitably from the whole of Sismondi’s range of ideas. He lived at the very time when large-scale machine industry was taking its first steps on the European continent, when there began that sharp and abrupt change of all social relations under the influence of machines (note, under the influence of machine industry, and not of “capitalism” in general), a change which is known in economic science as the industrial revolution. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 236.


例句 1:
The Third Industry Revolution which is featured by information technology has raised and highlighted the economic globalization.

例句 2:
The development history of industrial economy shows that every industrial revolution brings profound changes in technology, production, organization form and market demand, which leads to radical change of industrial organization.

例句 3:
At present, the discussion about a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution is prevalent, and its impact on the global economy and the international strategic pattern has become a hot topic.





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