

字词 非对抗




Lane, A. For Marx [M]. The Penguin Press, 1969:215-216.


非对抗又称非对抗的斗争形式,是矛盾斗争的一种形式,与对抗相对,指不表现为激烈冲突的矛盾斗争形式,一般具有非爆破性、非外部冲突的特点,比如对人的说服和教育、生物的同化和异化、社会主义下工人阶级和农民阶级之间的矛盾为非对抗的形式。(矛盾的非对抗形式.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006137002&d=07646D3A27804B7E1921A688D86A4E73)矛盾斗争采取非对抗形式是由矛盾的非对抗性质决定的,但在特定条件下,某些对抗性矛盾也可采取非对抗的斗争形式。(高清海,1988:466)如社会主义制度下,工人阶级和农民阶级之间的矛盾,即非对抗性的矛盾。这种矛盾的解决不必通过外部冲突即激烈斗争的形式去解决。在社会领域中具有对抗性质的矛盾,在一定条件下也可以用非对抗的形式解决。如在中国社会主义过渡时期,人民内部包括民族资产阶级,它同劳动人民的矛盾既有对抗性的一面,又有非对抗性的一面。因为它属于人民内部矛盾,可以用非对抗的形式加以解决”。(金炳华,2001:353)


[1] 矛盾的非对抗形式.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006137002&d=07646D3A27804B7E1921A688D86A4E73
[2] 高清海.文史哲百科辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1988.
[3] 金炳华.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.


1. 因此,根据马克思主义理论,如果说矛盾是动力,那也就是说:矛盾在复杂整体结构中的某些确定的地点引起了真是的斗争和冲突;冲突的地点可能根据当时各矛盾在主导结构中的关系而有所变化;斗争在某个战略地点的凝聚同主导因素在矛盾中的转移具有不可分割的联系;转移和压缩这些有机现象就是“对立面的同一”的存在,直到这些现象产生出突变或质的飞跃的可见形式为止,那时就正式到了改组整体的革命阶段了。这里出发,我们才可能在政治实践中对过程的各个独立阶段作出根本的区分,它们是:“非对抗”阶段、“对抗”阶段和“爆炸”阶段。——《保卫马克思》,1984:186-187

1. So, in Marxist theory, to say that contradiction is a motive force is to say that it implies a real struggle, real confrontations, precisely located within the structure of the complex whole ; it is to say that the locus of confrontation may vary according to the relation of the contradictions in the structure in dominance in any given situation; it is to say that the condensation of the struggle in a strategic locus is inseparable from the displacement of the dominant among these contradictions; that the organic phenomena of condensation and displacement are the very existence of the ‘identity of opposites’ until they produce the globally visible form of the mutation or qualitative leap that sanctions the revolutionary situation when the whole is recrystallized. Given this, we can explain the crucial distinction for political practice between the distinct moments of a process: ‘non-antagonism’, ‘antagonism’ and ‘explosion’. -Quoted from For Marx: An Introduction, 1969: 215-216.


例句 1:
Because, the socialist society destroyed class exploitation and interclass oppress, the basic social relationship is no longer has the class struggle and the nature of class struggle; Establish public ownership of the means of production in socialist society, realize the masses are the masters of the country, the existence of a large number of contradictions dominant in the society are all not confrontational of the internal contradictions, which can take non-confrontational method to solve.

例句 2:
War and it is reasonable. Although Theory on Clash of Civilizations has caused a heated debate, especially non-Western Civilizations strongly oppose to this theory, the theory is not groundless. Some actors including the diversity of regional civilizations, the unbalanced development of civilizations, the implementation of the Western cultural hegemony and so on created the foundation for the clash of civilizations.

例句 3:





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