

字词 自然规律


natural law


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 312.






1. 当他创立历史唯物主义之后,在面对资本主义经济过程时,又在一个十分特殊的转喻性的语境中,将鲍德里亚十分痛恨的商品——市场经济规律称为社会生活中的自然规律,即在人类社会存在与发展进程中出现类似自然界盲目运动的状况。我将其命名为似自性。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:233

1. After he established historical materialism, in a very special metaphorical context of the capitalist economic process, he names the commodity-market economic law—which Baudrillard hates—the natural law in social life, that is, the aimless movement in human social existence and development similar to that of the natural world, which I call nature-likeness. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 312.

2. 马斯洛夫用他对土地肥力递减这一“自然规律”所持的彻底资产阶级的观点,究竟把地租理论丑化到了什么地步,从下面这段马斯洛夫用黑体刊出的话中也可以看得很清楚,他说,“如果在同一块土地上连续投资,实行集约经营,能够有同样的生产效率,那么争夺新土地的竞争就会马上消失,因为除了生产费用外,运输费用也是要加在粮食价格上的。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:270-271

2. The degree to which Maslov mutilates the theory of rent from his purely bourgeois point of view of the “natural law” of diminishing returns can be seen from the following tirade, which he gives in italics: “If successive outlays of capital on the same plot of land, leading to intensive farming, were equally productive, the competition of new lands would immediately disappear; for the cost of transport affects the price of grain in addition to the cost of production”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 306.

3. “它(哲学)认为国家是一个庞大的机构,在这个机构里,必须实现法律的、伦理的、政治的自由,同时,个别公民服从国家的法律也或是服从自己本身理性的即人类理性的自然规律。” ——《保卫马克思》,1984:194

3. ‘Philosophy regards the State as the great organism in which legal, moral and political freedom should find their realization and in which the individual citizen, when he obeys the State’s laws, is only obeying the natural laws of his own reason, of human reason.’ -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 224.


例句 1:
The social and historical roots of the current ecological problems need to be analyzed in the view of the dialectical unity of the social development law and natural law.

例句 2:
Young Mao Zedong has a positive and optimistic view on life. He believed that life is a natural law and the spirit will not die, so people should not worry about life and death.

例句 3:
Historical materialism profoundly reveals the objective laws of development and changes of social relations system with the man as major body. It requires that human beings fully understand the law of nature, grasp the law of nature and in accordance with the law of nature, realizing the harmonious development of the relationship among people, nature and society.





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