

字词 自然秩序


natural order


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 21.


自然秩序与“人为秩序”相对。最早由法国启蒙思想家伏尔泰、孟德斯鸠、卢梭等人提出,他们把是否符合人性作为区别人为秩序和自然秩序的根本标志,认为封建主义秩序是不符合人性的人为秩序,而只有资本主义秩序才是符合人性的自然秩序。这个概念后被重农主义吸收,并在经济领域里加以发挥和解释。重农主义认为,自然秩序有两种,一种是自然界的自然秩序,一种是人类社会的自然秩序。自然界的自然秩序对自然界的运动有绝对和直接的约束力,如上抛的物体终归要掉下来,水终归要从高处流向低处等。而人类社会的自然秩序则不然。人类社会的自然秩序是指人类社会生活中客观存在的不以人们意志为转移的规律。但生活在一定的社会里的人都据自己的意志去行动的,并形成了社会的人为秩序。这就产生了一个人为秩序是否符合自然秩序的问题。如果符合,社会便处于健康的正常状态,如果不符合,社会便陷于病态。病态的社会需要开明的君主来进行统治,改变人为秩序使之符合自然秩序。重农主义认为,自然秩序是上帝为人类的幸福所制定的至善至美的理想秩序,是永恒不变的。在自然秩序下,组成社会的所有的人都理所当然享有最基本的自然权利。所谓自然权利,首先是每个人享有自己劳动所获得的所有权,其次是每个人享有自由从事他所愿意的工作的权利。如果社会让每个人都能自由去追求个人利益,那么每个人的利益都能实现。亦即只要经济自由,每个人都会幸福。人民幸福,社会也就健康。因此,社会的政治、经济制度和政策、法令等这些人为秩序应该符合自然秩序,不应该去干涉和限制人们的经济活动。此后,亚当·斯密继承和发展了重农主义的自然秩序思想。亚当·斯密认为,自然秩序不是一种上帝赋予的理想体系,而是从人的本性产生又适合人的本性、存在于交换经济中的一个事实。劳动分工、货币发明、经济机制等,都是在个人追求自身利益的过程中自发形成和发展起来的,不是人为设计的产物。但是并不因为不是出自本意,就对社会有害。相反在看不见手的手作用下,每个人追求自己的利益往往使他能够比真心实意要促进时更有效地促进社会的利益。自然秩序不是一个有开明君主通过英明的立法实现的目标,而是经济竞争的自发产物。因此,在亚当·斯密看来,应该实行自由放任的经济政策,反对国家干预,让每个人在不违反正义法律的条件下都能采用自己的方法追求自己利益。(朱贻庭, 崔宜明,2002.)


朱贻庭, 崔宜明. 伦理学大辞典[Z]. 上海辞书出版社,2002.


1. 尤其请大家需要着重鉴别的是,这个自然秩序已经不完全是康德那种外在的“自然意图”(固然它有时还披着神学或者封建的外衣),而是存在于人与人之间的经济活动中但不以个人意志为转移的客观规律。这种规律恰恰是通过人与人的自由竞争自发实现的。例如,自由竞争可以将劳动以正确的比例分配给各产业部门,以形成一种合理比例的自组织。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:47-48

1. We must be careful to differentiate one point, which is that the natural order spoken of by the physiocrats is not Kant’s “intention of Nature” (though it is true that the intention of Nature was sometimes described in theological or feudal terms). Rather, the natural order is an objective law, which exists in the economic activities of inter-human relationships; however, it is not determined by human will. Thus, the natural law is spontaneously realized through free competition between individuals. For instance, free competition can distribute the correct proportion of labor to various production departments, creating a natural organization of reasonable proportions. -Quoted form Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 21.

2. 如上所述,古典经济学的理论抽象是一种在社会经验基础之上的归纳,斯密、李嘉图都已经抽象出资产阶级社会生产方式中各种非直观的社会关系和经济规律,它们是这个社会的本质抽象(一般)。我认为,在古典经济学中,已经出现了一种本质认识论:配第在“政治价格”背后找到“自然价格”;布阿吉贝尔在“市场价值”背后看到“真正的价值”;重农主义发现的隐性自然秩序实际上是理想化的资产阶级社会秩序;而斯密的“看不见的手”不过是丢掉封建外观的自然秩序,它第一次明确指出了人类社会历史中存在着不以人的意志为转移的客观规律。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:448

2. As we have already discussed above, the theoretical abstract of classical economics was induction based on social experience. Smith, Ricardo, and others had already abstracted various non-observable social relations and economic laws of bourgeois society’s modes of production; these were the essential abstracts (general) of this society. I believe that in classical economics, there already had appeared a form of essential epistemology: behind “political prices” Petty found “natural prices;” behind “market value” Boisguillebert found “true value.” Furthermore, the latent natural order discovered by the physiocrats was really an idealized bourgeois social order, while Smith’s “invisible hand” was simply the natural order without its feudal façade It first clearly pointed out that there existed objective laws independent of human will in the social history of mankind. -Quoted form Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 349.

3. 资产阶级政治经济学就是在这种物化的经济现象中形成了它们特有的拜物教意识形态,即将资本主义生产方式特有的社会历史存在直接设定成社会运行本身的自然的客观属性,所以,资本主义经济运行相对于人类生存的本质颠倒,直接被指认为人的天然本性(“自然法”)和社会存在(生产)运作的天经地义的正常形式(“自然秩序”),如此一来,三大拜物教就会是其逻辑发展的必然结果。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:514

3. It is within these objectified economic phenomena that political economy forms its unique ideological fetishism, i.e., directly positing the social historical existence unique to capitalist modes of production as natural, objective attributes of economic operation itself. Therefore, relative to the essential inversion of human subsistence, capitalist economic operation was immediately identified as the normal form (“natural order”) ordained by heaven of man’s natural nature (“natural laws”) and social existence (production). As such, the three great fetishisms were the necessary result of the development of this logic. -Quoted form Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 405.


例句 1:
Rousseau, owing a view that the order of morality complies with the order of nature to
Stoics to some extent, suggested that nature primarily presented itself as an order that was identical to Providence, and externalized over humanities as a potentially rational and moral order.

例句 2:
Philosophical hermeneutics inherits the claim of listening with the “Inner Ear” since Meister Eckhart, and weakens the religious element to highlight the significance of poetics. It stresses that both poetic composition and understanding are to listen to language, natural order and Mythos.

例句 3:
Yet in China, it could be argued, ziran was the necessary product of God’s expulsion from the natural order, rather than a belated afterthought.





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