

字词 自然观


conception of nature; views of nature


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998:37.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 27.






1. 可是以往的社会主义同这种唯物主义历史观是不相容的,正如法国唯物主义的自然观同辩证法和近代自然科学不相容一样。以往的社会主义固然批判过现存的资本主义生产方式及其后果,但是不能说明这个生产方式,因而也就不能对付这个生产方式;它只能简单地把它当做坏东西抛弃掉。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:29-30

1. But the socialism of earlier days was as incompatible with this materialistic conception as the conception of nature of the French materialists was with dialectics and modern natural science. The socialism of earlier days certainly criticised the existing capitalistic mode of production and its consequences. But it could not explain them, and, therefore, could not get the mastery of them. It could only simply reject them as bad. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 27.

2. 这些兴奋点必然影响恩格斯对自己“世界观”的表述,使他特别强调唯物主义的自然观,而不是唯物主义的历史观。尤其值得指出的是,达尔文的发现给恩格斯留下了极其深刻的印象,使他遭到同代的马克思主义者相当大的批评,指责他把生物学中的概念运用于社会。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2004:32

2. These interests inevitably influenced Engels’s presentation of his ‘world view’ and his emphasis on a materialist conception of nature rather than of history. In particular, the work of Darwin made a profound impression on Engels, who came in for considerable criticism from fellow-Marxists for applying to society concepts drawn from biology. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 37.

3. 例如,我们将在第二章中看到,大多数科学的早期发展阶段,是以许多不同的自然观不断竞争为特征的,每一种自然观都部分地来自于科学观察和科学方法的要求,并且全都与科学观察和科学方法的要求大致相容。——《科学革命的结构》,2003:3-4

3. We shall note, for example, in Section II that the early developmental stages of most sciences have been characterized by continual competition between a number of distinct views of nature, each partially derived from, and all roughly compatible with, the dictates of scientific observation and method. -Quoted from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970: 4.


例句 1:
Nowadays there are four kinds of conceptions of nature: mythological, mechanic, holistic and organic conception of nature, and the practical and historical materialistic conception of nature.

例句 2:
On the conception of nature, Marxist New Materialism and Feuerbach’s philosophy have both similarities and differences.

例句 3:
Marx’s conception of nature holds that nature is an essential precondition of the development of human society, and the exchange between human and nature is also an interactive relationship of coevolution, which is equivalent to the contemporary ecological holism.





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