

字词 思想舆论导向


the guidance of ideology and public opinion


[1] Ideology. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideology
[2] Public opinion. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion




[1] 邓小平.邓小平文选 (第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1994.
[2] 习近平.习近平谈治国理政[M].外文出版社,2014.


1. 1912年1月俄国社会民主工党全国代表会议总结了在反革命势力猖獗的艰难年代所进行的思想政治工作。代表会议的决议对运动的所有迫切问题,都作了充分的回答。选举纲领只是根据这些决议作出的简要概括。这个纲领由中央在俄国出版,随后好些地方组织把它翻印出来。所有的资产阶级报刊都报道了代表会议的情况并摘引了会议的一些决议。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1958:5

1. In January 1912 the All-Russia Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. summed up the results of the ideological and political work carried out by the Party in the grim years of the counter-revolution. The Conference decisions gave answers to all the pressing questions of the movement. Thanks to those decisions, the election platform was simply a final statement. The platform was published by the Central Committee in Russia and was then reprinted by a whole series of local organisations.114 The whole bourgeois press reported the Conference and published some of its decisions. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 237.

2. 加强监管、规范秩序。重点加强对食品、药品价格和医疗、通信、教育等服务收费的监督检查,坚决治理交通运输领域乱收费乱罚款,纠正大型零售商业企业违规收费行为,严厉查处发布虚假信息、囤积居奇、操纵价格、恶意炒作等违法行为。把握好舆论导向,正确引导社会预期。——《2012年政府工作报告》,2012

2. We will tighten oversight and ensure market order. We will give high priority to strengthening oversight and inspection of food and drug prices as well as fees and charges for medical, communications, and educational services; put an end to unauthorized collection of charges and fines in the transportation sector; stop large commercial retailers from illegally collecting fees; and crack down on illegal practices such as releasing false information, hoarding and profiteering, manipulating prices, and speculation. We will lead public opinion and correctly guide public expectations of price movements. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2012.


例句 1:
The analysis of the theories about the guidance of ideological and public opinion and its development in practice is indispensable in the discussion of the guidance of ideological and public opinion in the communication of the harmonious culture. The guidance of ideological and public opinion is closely related to public opinion and the guidance of public opinion, which has the traits of guide arts and ideological content. The transmission of public opinion dates from the ancient times. The Chinese and Western experience in the guidance of ideological and public opinion and their evolution supply a rich source for the development of the guidance of ideological and public opinion in China today. 

例句 2:
The building of learning Party organizations is a major issue of Party building. The guidance of ideological and public opinion is linked closely with learning Party organizations. From the perspective of the guidance of ideological and public opinion, base





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