

字词 思想实验


thought experiment


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1383.
[2] Thought experiment. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_experiment


亦称“思维实验”、“理想实验”、“假想实验”。人们按照真实实验或实物实验的模式,在已有科学知识基础上,在思想中将研究对象置于理想化条件或在假想的实验仪器设备下加以操作,以考察其运动变化过程,发现其规律的一种研究方法。其基本特点是:思想性,即思想实验中的实验者、实验对象、实验手段、实验操作,不是真实的物质和物质过程,而是以往经验的表象;超现实性,即思想实验是当时无法实现的、超越现实条件的实验;新颖性,即在思想实验中,构思者以新的观点看待已知的经验事实,使它们同已有理论和人们期望的对立尖锐化,从而打开通向早已掌握但未充分理解的信息的道路;待检性,即由思想实验获得的认识,还必须经受实践的检验,它才具有科学事实的内容和价值。思想实验有不同的类型。根据它能否物化,可分为不可物化型思想实验和可物化型思想实验。不可物化型思想实验,系指永远不可能转变为真实实验的思想实验,通常称为理想实验,它所设想的条件是理想化的,是人们在思想中运用理想模型,塑造理想过程,进行逻辑推理的思维活动。如伽利略的惯性定律就是根据小球无摩擦力的斜面滚动的理想实验而推导出来的。可物化型实验,即在一定条件下可以转变为真实实验的思想实验。如爱因斯坦创立广义相对论时设计的“升降机”实验,在几十年后已由宇航员在宇宙飞船或航天飞机上得到了验证。由于思想实验可以克服实物实验的物质技术条件的限制,建立理想化条件,充分发挥理论思维的作用,抽取某种关系进行思考,已成为现代科学的重要研究方法(金炳华,2003:1383)。正如爱因斯坦所说:“一切方法的背后如果没有一种生气勃勃的精神,它们到头来都不过是笨拙的工具” (爱因斯坦,1976:176)。把思想实验作为一种科学方法加以研究,已有近百年历史,这方面的重要著作有《论思想实验》(马赫)、《物理学的进化》(爱因斯坦和英费尔德)、《思想实验的作用》(Th.库恩)等。


[1] 爱因斯坦.爱因斯坦文集(第一卷)[C]. 商务印书馆,1976.
[2] 爱因斯坦.爱因斯坦文集(第三卷)[C]. 商务印书馆,1976.
[3] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 可以说,在马克思的理论研究史中,他没有一次不是在对一个专题、一个领域的资料进行全面系统地占有之后,并且在对其进行深入反复地思想实验之后,才会动笔写作。我认为,前苏联学者的这种“理论创新”实为一种不必要的过分标新立异的行为。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:201

1. It can be said that in the history of Marx’s theoretical study, never once did he begin to write on a subject or a field until he had gained a complete and systematic understanding of that topic and had conducted profound and repeated thought experiments. I believe that the “theoretical breakthrough” of these Soviet scholars is nothing more than inventing discoveries for the sake of achieving an unconventional conclusion. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 149.

2. 其实,从马克思主义的科学立场来看,青年马克思在《1844年手稿》里的相当一部分论述是不科学的。按照我的理解,《1844年手稿》并不是青年马克思计划写作的成果,只是他最初批判资产阶级经济学的一个思想实验的过程。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:201-202

2. In actuality, however, from a scientific Marxist standpoint, many of young Marx’s writings in the 1844 Manuscript are not scientific. According to my understanding, the 1844 Manuscript was not the result of young Marx’s planned writing, but rather an experimental process of criticizing bourgeois economics. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 150.

3. 我们已然看到,放弃“论点”是如何困难,即使对于当今的马克思主义者来说也是如此,比如伍德,因为这样一来会使绝大部分的马克思主义历史成为问题;但是,在一场正是基于那些论点的权威性的革命的直接后果中,卢卡奇的思想实验非常可能使他陷入麻烦。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:117

3. We have seen how difficult it can be, even for present-day Marxists such as Wood, to give up the ‘theses’, since to do so calls into question most of Marxism’s history; but in the immediate aftermath of a revolution constructed on the authority of just those theses, Lukács’s thought experiment was only too likely to lead him into trouble. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 75.


例句 1:
Holding the meaning concept of behaviorism, Quine assumes a thought experiment named radical translation in which observation sentence is regarded as the basis and stimulus-response as the criterion of judgment.

例句 2:
Searle raised strong objections to this view, and designed the“Chinese room”thought experiment. In the third chapter, the author analyzed logically and the validity of the experiment.

例句 3:
The thought experiment is mentality activities which carries out in people's minds, and have become an irreplaceable method. Paradoxical thought experiment occupies an important position in the history of science and philosophy, by exporting dilemma, sparked depth thinking, leading to revolutionary changes about scientific theories, and promoting a qualitative leap of the theories.





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