

字词 布鲁诺·鲍威尔


Bruno Bauer


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 99.
[2] Bruno Bauer. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Bauer






1. 布鲁诺接受了思辨的矛盾,并把这个矛盾的一部分同另一部分对立起来。在他看来,关于现实问题的哲学词句就是现实问题本身。因此,在他看来,一方面,现实的人以及他们对于从外表上看独立在外面和他们对立的他们自己的社会关系的现实意识都非实有,实有的只是自我意识这种赤裸裸的抽象词句,正如现实的生产都非实有,实有的只是这种自我意识的已经独立化的活动一样;另一方面,现实的自然界和现实存在的社会关系都非实有,实有的只是这些关系的一切哲学范畴或名称归结而成的赤裸裸的哲学词句,即实体;因为布鲁诺同所有哲学家和思想家一起,错误地把思想、观念、现存世界在思想上的独立化了的表现当作这个现存世界的基础。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:93

1. Bruno accepts the speculative contradiction and upholds one part of it against the other. A philosophical phrase about a real question is for him the real question itself. Consequently, on the one hand, instead of real people and their real consciousness of their social relations, which apparently confront them as something independent, he has the mere abstract expression: self-consciousness, just as, instead of real production, he has the activity of this self-consciousness, which has become independent. On the other hand, instead of real nature and the actually existing social relations, he has the philosophical summing-up of all the philosophical categories or names of these relations in the expression: substance; for Bruno, along with all philosophers and ideologists, erroneously regards thoughts and ideas—the independent intellectual expression of the existing world—as the basis of this existing world. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 99.

2. 布鲁诺对费尔巴哈的批判如果有什么新东西,也只不过是把施蒂纳对费尔巴哈和鲍威尔的责难虚伪地述说成鲍威尔对费尔巴哈的责难。例如,他说“人的本质是一般本质和某种圣物”,“人是人的上帝”,人类是“绝对的东西”,他说费尔巴哈把人分裂为“本质的我和非本质的我”(尽管布鲁诺经常宣称抽象的东西就是符合于本质的东西,并且他在把批判和群众对立时,把这种分裂想像得比费尔巴哈还要可怕得多),他说必须进行反对“上帝的宾词”的斗争等等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:94-95

2. Bruno’s criticism of Feuerbach, insofar as it is new, is restricted to hypocritically representing Stirner’s reproaches against Feuerbach and Bauer as Bauer’s reproaches against Feuerbach. Thus, for example, the assertions that the “essence of man is essence in general and something holy”, that “man is the God of man”, that the human species is “the Absolute”, that Feuerbach splits man “into an essential and an inessential ego” (although Bruno always declares that the abstract is the essential and, in his antithesis of criticism and the mass, conceives this split as far more monstrous than Feuerbach does), that a struggle must be waged against the “predicates of God”, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 100.

3. 布鲁诺·鲍威尔(Bruno Bauer,1809-1882),德国哲学家、神学家。1834年起在柏林大学任神学讲师。1839年,因发表反对正统派的小册子被调到波恩大学任讲师。1840-1842年间,他相继发表《约翰福音史批判》和《对观福音和约翰福音史批判》等书,以同施特劳斯争论的形式更加尖锐地批判了宗教神学。在青年黑格尔派的运动中起过一定的积极作用,并成为这一派的首领。1841年8月,鲍威尔因批判宗教触犯当局而被开除出波恩大学。1843年以后,他越来越脱离实际生活,而沉湎于纯粹的理论批判。1843年12月至1844年10月,他在《文学总汇报》上发表文章,公开背弃了原来所持的资产阶级激进主义立场,大肆宣扬主观唯心主义和英雄史观,马克思和恩格斯在《神圣家族》中对其进行了尖锐的批判。主要代表著作有:《对福音的批判及福音起源史》(1840年)、《斐洛、施特劳斯、勒男与原始基督教》(1842年)等。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:103

3. Bruno Bauer (1809—1882) was a German philosopher and theologian. In 1834 he began to teach at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin as a licentiate of theology. In 1839 Bauer was transferred to the theology faculty at Bonn after publishing a pamphlet criticizing his orthodox colleague and former teacher Hengstenberg. From 1840 to 1842, he published a number of books including Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte des Johannes (1840), and Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker, 2 vols. (1841). These books were written in opposition to David Strauss, and sharply criticized religious theology. Bauer played a significant role in the Young Hegelian movement, becoming one of the leaders of the organization. In August of 1841, Bauer was dismissed from his teaching position at Bonn University for critical remarks against religion that infuriated government authorities. After 1843, Bauer became more and more detached from real-life, sinking into purely theoretical critiques. Between December, 1843 and October, 1844, he published articles for the Literatur-Zeitung, openly rejecting his previous, radical bourgeois position and unabashedly advocating subjective idealism and a conception of history as determined by heroes. Marx and Engels caustically criticized Bauer in The Holy Family. His most important publications include Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker, 2 vols. (1841) and Philo, Renan und das Urchristentum (1874). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 68.


例句 1:
On the other hand, the critical investigation of the concept of “political emancipation” disclosed the ideological differences between Marx and Bruno Bauer, which became the boundary of their philosophy. And at the same time, it also reflected that Marx gradually had cleared his idealism thought, and then realized the shift from philosophical position of speculative idealism to historical materialism.

例句 2:
“The Jewish Question” was the igniter fuse of the destruction of the alliance between Marx and the young Hegelians and the transformation of his own thought. It was in discussing this complicate social affair that Marx for the first time debated with Bruno Bauer, his director and the key figure in the young Hegelians, the difference of thinking mode in analyzing one and the same social question came up and enlarged later on.

例句 3:
Marx’ new Philosophy i





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