

字词 毕达哥拉斯主义


the Pythagoreanism


Pythagoreanism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagoreanism




[1] 蒋永福,吴可,岳长龄.东西方哲学大辞典[Z].江西人民出版社,2000.
[2] 张风帆.毕达哥拉斯主义新论[J].辽宁师范大学学报,2000(03).
[3] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000.
[4] 邱明正,朱立元.美学小辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2004.


1. 《国家报》凭借它在统计领域的重要地位,不仅把自己同中国人并列,不仅同宇宙的统计学家毕达哥拉斯并列,它并且表明,那位想用数列来表示动物的各种差别等等的现代伟大的自然哲学家对它也有影响。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:140

1. And the Staats-Zeitung with the importance it attaches to statistics not only puts itself on a par with the Chinese and with the universal statistician Pythagoras! It shows that it has been influenced by the great natural philosopher of recent times, who wanted to represent the differences between animals, etc., by a series of numbers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 134.

2. 当伏尔泰写Tous les genres sont bons, excépté le genre ennuyeux(“除了枯燥无味,一切风格都好”)这一句话的时候,他已预感到我们的亨利希·伯恩哈特·奥本海姆的出现。我们宁愿把奥本海姆当做作家,而不愿把他看做演说家。你可以不看他的作品,但是要想回避听他的演说,c’est impossible (那是不可能的)。毕达哥拉斯的灵魂转生说也许是正确的,但是亨利希·伯恩哈特·奥本海姆在前几个世纪中所用的名字确实无法确定了,因为无论在哪一个世纪里都从来没有一个人是以令人厌恶的空谈而出名的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》, 1961:355

2. When Voltaire wrote: “Tous les genres sont bons, excepté le genre ennuyeux”, he must have had a premonition of our Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim. We prefer Oppenheim the writer to Oppenheim the orator. His writings may be avoided, but his spoken delivery—c’est impossible. The Pythagorean metempsychosis may have some foundation in reality but the name borne by Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim in former ages can no longer be discovered as no man ever made a name for himself through being an unbearable chatterbox. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 307.

3. 虽然古希腊人的整个宇宙观具有素朴唯物主义的性质,但是在他们那里已经包藏着后来分裂的种子。早在泰勒斯那里,灵魂就被看作某种特殊的东西,某种和肉体不同的东西(比如他认为磁石也有灵魂);在阿那克西米尼那里,灵魂是空气(正象在《创世纪》中一样);在毕达哥拉斯派那里,灵魂已经是不死的和可移动的,肉体对它说来是纯粹偶然的。在毕达哥拉斯派那里,灵魂又是“以太的碎片(απσπασμααθρσ)”(第欧根尼·拉尔修,第8卷第26—28节),冷的以太是空气,密集的以太则形成海和水气(第279—280页)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:528

3. For all the naive materialism of the total outlook, the kernel of the later split is already to be found among the ancient Greeks. For Thales, the soul is already something special, something different from the body (just as he ascribes a soul also to the magnet), for Anaximenes it is air (as in Genesis) for the Pythagoreans it is already immortal and migratory, the body being purely accidental to it. For the Pythagoreans, also, the soul is "a chip of the ether" (Diogenes Laertius, VIII, 26-28), where the cold ether is the air, the dense ether the sea and moisture. (Pp. 279-80.) -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 469.


例句 1:
Based on the argumentation that numbers are the ultimate elements of the universe and focused on the idea that numbers are harmonious, Pythagoreanism deals with philosophical debates and probes nature. Harmony of number is in everything of the cosmos: music, architecture, carving, order of cosmos, soul, society and ethics, etc. In particular, Pythagoreanism becomes the fundamental guideline for scientists when they explore nature. In the history of science, there are many believers and adherents of Pythagoreanism such as Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Mendeleev, Einstein, Hawkins, etc.

例句 2:
The view “Harmonia" was the most important part of Pythagoras' musical theory. As a philosopher, Pythagoras believed that universal order existed in all things, everything was a kind of number and soul was harmony, and more important, music revealed the essential quality of number and h





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