字词 | 无政府主义 |
释义 | 无政府主义【英】the anarchism译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:282. 定义无政府主义,又译作安那其主义,是一系列政治哲学思想。其目的在于提升个人自由及废除政府当局与所有的政府管理机构(无政府主义.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/2076613-2196722.html)。“Anarchism”一词源于希腊语单词“αναρχία”,意思是没有统治者。19世纪上半叶出现于欧洲,无政府主义鼓吹个人绝对自由,主张建立所谓“无命令、无权利、无服从、无制裁”的“无政府状态”社会。主要代表有施蒂纳、蒲鲁东、巴枯宁和克鲁泡特金等。施蒂纳是无政府主义的先驱,他宣称反对任何国家。蒲鲁东是无政府主义的创始人,他反对政治斗争,幻想在私有制条件下通过“交换银行”使小生产者免遭剥削,用个人和集团自由联合代替国家。巴枯宁认为现代社会的祸根是国家本身,主张以废除财产继承权为革命起点,废除一切国家。克鲁泡特金主张建立一个完全自治的、没有任何权威的“自由共产主义”。无政府主义的基本立场是反对包括政府在内的一切统治和权威,提倡个体之间的自助关系,关注个体的自由和平等;其政治诉求是消除政府以及社会上或经济上的任何独裁统治关系”。邓小平指出克服无政府主义,必须健全和坚持民主集中制。“有了又有集中又有民主,又有纪律又有自由,又有统一意志、又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼的政治局面,……无政府主义就比较容易克服”(邓小平,1995:145)。无政府主义流派众多,主要包括个人无主义流派、集体主义流派、无政府女性主义、无政府原始主义。虽然他们都有着反对国家的共同特色,但却在其他议题上有着不同的立场,包括是否进行武装斗争、或以和平非暴力建立社会的问题上产生分歧,而在经济的观点上也有显著的差异,从主张财产彻底公有化的集体主义流派,至主张私人财产和自由市场的个人主义流派,政治光谱分布相当广泛。由于无政府主义政府内部的贯穿链接作用不完善,就很难发挥出社会的整体聚集力量(金炳华,2003:282)。 定义来源[1] 无政府主义.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/2076613-2196722.html 例句1. 我感到自豪的是,在俄国青年中有一派真诚地、无保留地接受了马克思的伟大的经济理论和历史理论,并坚决地同他们前辈的一切无政府主义的和带有一点斯拉夫主义的传统决裂。如果马克思能够多活几年,那他本人也同样会以此自豪的。这是一个对俄国革命运动发展具有重大意义的进步。在我看来,马克思的历史理论是任何坚定不移和始终一贯的革命策略的基本条件;为了找到这种策略,需要的只是把这一理论应用于本国的经济条件和政治条件。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十六卷)》,1974:301. 1. let me repeat how proud I am to know that there exists among the younger generation in Russia a party which frankly and unreservedly accepts the great economic and historical theories evolved by Marx, and which has broken for good with all the anarchic and to some extent Slavophil traditions of its predecessors. And Marx himself, had he lived a little longer, would have been no less proud than I. It marks a step forward which will be of the utmost importance to the revolutionary development of Russia. In my eyes, Marx's historical theory is fundamentally essential to revolutionary tactics, if these are to be consistent and logical; to discover what those tactics ought to be, all one has to do is to apply the theory to economic and political conditions in the country concerned. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 47), 1995: 280. 2. 当时的另一次动摇是在19世纪70年代末由于人们对杜林的迷恋而产生的。倍倍尔也曾一度被杜林所迷惑。杜林的拥护者们(其中最突出的是莫斯特)玩弄“左倾”把戏,很快就滑到无政府主义的立场上去了。恩格斯对杜林的理论提出的尖锐的致命的批判,遭到了许多党组织的反对,在一次党代表大会上甚至有人建议不许中央机关报再登载这种批判。——《列宁全集(第二十三卷)》,1990:384 2. Another form of wavering was due to infatuation with Dühring at the end of seventies of the last century. For a short time, Bebel also shared that infatuation. Dühring’s supporters, the most outstanding of which was Most, toyed with “Leftism” and very soon slid into anarchism. Engel’s sharp, annihilating criticism of Dühring’s theories met with disapproval in many party circles and at one congress it was even proposed to close the columns of the central newspaper to that criticism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 19), 1977: 299. 3. 这是德里达解构的理论态度和政治立场.显然,他拒绝任何总体性的同一化,作为对弥赛亚式的马克思精神的继承,他希望建立一个重新组合的联盟,它“无配偶、无组织、无政党、无民族、无国家、无所有权(它就是我们后面戏称为新国际的‘共产主义’)”。这是比传统无政府主义要激进得多的解构政治。只不过,关于这种政治革命的现实可能性,他自己也承认是“一种略显黯淡的希望”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:308 3. This is the theoretical attitude and political position of Derrida’s deconstruction. He rejects homogenization of any totality. As the messianic inheritance to Marx's spirit, he hopes to build “the alliance of a rejoining without conjoined mare, without organization, without party, without nation, without State, without property (the ‘communism’ that we will later nickname the new International).” This deconstructive politics is much more radical than conventional anarchism. However, as to the real possibility of this political revolution, he admits “it's a rather dim hope.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 402. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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