

字词 无偿占有


to appropriate gratis; to appropriate freely; to secretly appropriate


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 84.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 476.
[3] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 241.


无偿占有即用暴力手段或者非暴力手段,从他人那里获取已有归属的效用物(包括他人本身),但未给他人以相应的效用补偿。马克思在《资本论》及其《经济学哲学手稿》中,分析得出:剥削指的是在“对抗性生产关系”中,“非生产劳动阶级”凭借其对生产资料的垄断权,对“生产劳动阶级”的“剩余劳动”进行的“无偿占有”。马克思认为,用来“生产他必需的生活资料”称为“必要劳动”;用于“为生产资料的所有者生产生活资料”称为“剩余劳动”(马克思,2004:272)。劳动创造的价值要大于劳动力的价值,这个差额就是剩余价值。“劳动力的剩余劳动,是资本的无偿劳动,因而它为资本家形成剩余价值,一个无须他花费任何等价物的价值”(马克思,2004:45)。资本家提供给工人的工资只是用于补偿劳动者生产劳动力商品价值所耗费的必要劳动, 在必要劳动时间之外劳动者还必须进行剩余劳动,这种剩余劳动则被资本家不付任何代价地据为己有。


[1] 马克思.资本论(第一卷)[C].人民出版社, 2004.
[2] 马克思.资本论(第二卷)[C].人民出版社, 2004.


1. 其次,从机器体系随着社会知识和整个生产力的积累而发展来说,代表一般社会劳动的不是劳动,而是资本。社会的生产力是用固定资本来衡量的,它以物的形式存在于固定资本中,另一方面,资本的生产力又随着被资本无偿占有的这种普遍的进步而得到发展。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷下)》,1980:50-51

1. Furthermore, to the extent that machinery develops with the accumulation of social knowledge and productive power in general, it is not in the worker but in capital that general social labour is represented. The productive power of society is measured in terms of fixed capital, exists in it in the form of objects; and conversely the productive power of capital develops with this general progress, which is appropriated gratis by capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 29): The Holy Family, 1987: 84.

2. 正是在这样一个实质上不平等的资本统治关系的奴役下,在流通领域的平等交换背后,被资本家无偿占有的工人的剩余劳动创造了超出等价交换的一个余额,这就是剩余价值。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:601

2. It is under the oppression of essentially unequal ruling relations of capital, behind the equitable exchanges circulation, that the surplus labor of workers, appropriated freely by capitalists, creates a surplus beyond equitable exchange: this is surplus value. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 476.

3. 可是,他认为马克思实现这种批判的路径却仍然是以“劳动力的名义”来完成的,具体而言,马克思在市场的等价交换关系中发现资本家只是支付了劳动力的“价值”,但却悄悄地无偿占有了大量剩余价值,仅就这一点而言,马克思超越了蒲鲁东等人,创立了科学批判资本主义生产方式的政治经济学。——《文本的深度耕犁:马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 173

3. Nevertheless, ‘Marx’s’ critical method is, in his eyes, still achieved “in the name of labor power.” To be specific, Marx discovers that the capitalist only pays the “value” of labor power based on the equivalent exchange relations of the market but secretly appropriates a large sum of surplus value. In this connection, Marx transcends Proudhon and other capitalist economists and establishes scientific political economy critical of the capitalist mode of production. -Quoted from: Back to Marx: A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 241.


例句 1:
From the perspective of political philosophy, Marx studied the historical process of capitalist production and unveiled the secret of surplus value, that is, capitalists occupy the surplus value created by workers for free.

例句 2:
Excessively high incomes from free possession and use of public resources should be regulated by the resources taxation.

例句 3:
Exploitation refers to one element owner’s free possession of other element owners’ partial element profit. It is based on the private ownership of elements.





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