

字词 极端主义




Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 374.


极端主义指人们往往片面的而非全面的看待事物或行为,同时往往在处理事物时会通过偏激的方式来解决。极端主义者是为了达到个人或者小部分人的某些目的,而不惜一切后果地采取极端的手段对公众或政治领导集团进行威胁。极端主义者的特点:他们在做某件事情时,虽然明知道可能他们目前选择的解决问题的方法或方式不是最合适的解决问题方法或方式,但他们宁愿就按已经选择的方法或方式来解决问题也不愿意多花些时间来想想有没有更好解决问题的方法或方式。他们性格上严重偏执,对于他人的意见往往也不管好坏一律不听,一旦出现不尽如人意的后果则要把责任推到别人身上。所以,人类社会想要长久健康发展就必须杜绝极端主义(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=qaX8nauoYWUzE41SVYHW48o-CDj3qm__TxVshgGMsnbQyNMqUOUPqGxlEaJHgRuqY2dGqeoZtL9oTfJB-SHZ6_)。




1. 要落实《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》及合作纲要,完善本组织 执法安全合作体系,赋予地区反恐怖机构禁毒职能,并在此基础上建立应对安全威胁和挑战综合中心。各成员国相关部门也应该建立日常信息沟通渠道,探讨联合行动方式,合力打击“三股势力”,为本地区各国人民生产生活创造良好环境。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:340

1. We should implement the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism and the Program of Cooperation, improve the system of law enforcement and security cooperation of the SCO, entrust the regional counter-terrorism structure with responsibility for anti-narcotics operations, and on this basis establish a center for comprehensive responses to security threats and challenges. The relevant authorities within the member states should also open up a channel for routine communication, and explore ways to act and work together to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism so as to create a sound working and living environment for the peoples of this region. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 374.

2. 我们应该通盘考虑亚洲安全问题的历史经纬和现实状况,多管齐下、综合施策,协调推进地区安全治理。既要着力解决当前突出的地区安全问题,又要统筹谋划如何应对各类潜在的安全威胁,避免头痛医头、脚痛医脚。对恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义这“三股势力”,必须采取零容忍态度,加强国际和地区合作,加大打击力度,使本地区人民都能够在安宁样和的土地上幸福。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:355

2. We should take full account of the historical background and reality of Asia's security issues, adopt a multi-pronged and holistic approach, and enhance regional security governance in a coordinated way. While tackling the immediate security challenges facing the region we should also make plans for addressing potential security threats, and avoid a fragmented and palliative approach that only treats the symptoms. We should have zero tolerance for terrorism, separatism and extremism, strengthen international and regional cooperation, and step up the fight against these three forces, so as to bring peace and happiness to the people of this region. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 391-392.

3. 在“争取民主社会学生会”灾难性的1969年大会上,进步工党取得了控制权,新左派也就濒临没落。一些拒绝进步工党路线的人走向了各自的极端主义,他们组成一些短暂的游击小组,如革命青年运动和天气预报者等。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:338

3. In the disastrous 1969 convention of the SDS, Progressive Labour gained control and the New Left was moribund. Those who refused the Progressive Labour line turned to an extremism of their own, forming short-lived guerrilla groups such as the Revolutionary Youth Movement and the Weathermen. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 352.


例句 1:
As a new type of crime, the extreme value idea and behavior of extremism crime are its core connotations. 

例句 2:
Religious extremism is usually extreme, fanatic and bewitching. It often deceives some of the unsuspecting public and becomes the theoretical tool for violence terrorism.

例句 3:
In the context of peace and development remaining the world's two major themes, entering into the 21st century, with the global turmoil and differentiation popularizing, it is a disputable fact that a variety of extremism is rising.





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