

字词 依法治国和以德治国相结合


to integrate/combine the rule of law with rule by virtueto integrate/combine the rule of law with the rule of virtue


[1] Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 157.
[2] Communiqué of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, via: http://www.china.org.cn/china/fourth_plenary_session/2014-12/02/content_34208801.htm




[1] 王家福,李步云,刘海年,刘瀚,梁慧星.论依法治国[J],法学研究,1996(2).
[2] 王淑芹.“以德治国”与制度伦理[J],教学与研究,2002(8).
[3] 中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定.via:


1. 法律是成文的道德,道德是内心的法律。我们要坚持把依法治国和以德治国结合起来,高度重视道德对公民行为的规范作用,引导公民既依法维护合法权益,又自觉履行法定义务,做到享有权利和履行义务相一致。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:141

1. Law is written morality, while morality is conscious law. We should integrate the rule of law with rule by virtue, pay more attention to the rule of virtue in citizens, conduct, and encourage citizens to protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law while conscientiously fulfilling their duties prescribed by law, which means enjoying rights while performing duties. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 157.

2. 要坚持法制教育与法治实践相结合,广泛开展依法治理活动,提高社会管理法治化水平。要坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,把法治建设和道德建设紧密结合起来,把他律和自律紧密结合起来,做到法治和德治相辅相成、相互促进。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:145-146

2. We will combine education in the legal system with law-based governance, and promote social administration under the rule of law. We should integrate the rule of law with rule by virtue and legal enforcement with ethical progress, encourage both regulation by laws and by self-discipline, and ensure that the rule of law and rule by virtue complement and reinforce each other. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 162.

3. 全会提出,全面推进依法治国,总目标是建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家。这就是,在中国共产党领导下,坚持中国特色社会主义制度,贯彻中国特色社会主义法治理论,形成完备的法律规范体系、高效的法治实施体系、严密的法治监督体系、有力的法治保障体系,形成完善的党内法规体系,坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,坚持法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设,实现科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法,促进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。实现这个总目标,必须坚持中国共产党的领导,坚持人民主体地位,坚持法律面前人人平等,坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,坚持从中国实际出发。——《中国共产党十八届四中全会公报》,2014

3. It was made clear at the session that our overall objective in comprehensively advancing the law-based governance of the country is the establishment of a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and the building of a socialist rule of law country. This means that under the CPC's leadership, we need to uphold socialism with Chinese characteristics; put into practice the theory of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics; form a complete system of laws and regulations, a highly effective system to ensure the rule of law is put into effect, a stringent system to oversee the implementation of the rule of law, and a robust system to guarantee the rule of law; put in place a well-defined system of Party rules and regulations; make coordinated efforts to promote law-based governance, law-based exercise of state power, and law-based administration of government; adopt a holistic approach to the development of a rule of law country, government, and society; ensure that a scientific approach is taken to legislation, that law is enforced strictly, that justice is administered impartially, and that the law is observed by everyone; and modernize our country's governance system and capacity for governance. To reach this overall objective, we must adhere to the leadership of the CPC, uphold the people's principal position in the country, ensure that everyone is equal before the law, combine the rule of law with the rule of virtue, and base all we do on the actual situation in China. -Quoted from Communiqué of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2014.


例句 1:
十八大以来,围绕如何理解和坚持依法治国与以德治国相结合,理论界和学术界进行了广泛而深入的研究,达成一定的思想共识,但也存在一些值得注意的倾向和深入探讨的问题。而从完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的视角,用辩证思维、整体思维、系统思维、历史思维、战略思维、世界眼光研究“法治”与“德治”的相互关系,则反映了未来研究的发展趋向 ——“十八大以来“坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合”研究综述”,载于《领导之友》2016年01期
Since 18th C.P.C National Congress, center on how to understand the combination of governing the state by law and governing the state by morality, extensive and in-depth researches were carried out in academic circles, a consensus on some ideas reached, but there are still some notable tendency and in-depth exploration to be done. To improve and develop the socialism institutional civilization with Chinese characteristics, promoting the perspective of modernization of national management system and management ability, research the relationship between “governing of law” and “governing by morality” with dialectical thinking, overall thinking, systems thinking, historical thinking, strategic thinking and world vision, reflects the tendency of future research.

例句 2:
The fourth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee puts forward the combination of rule of law and rule of virtue.

例句 3:





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