

字词 国家创新体系


national innovation system


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 138.


国家创新体系(national innovation system)指由参加技术发展和扩散的企业、大学和研究机构组成,是一个为创造、储蓄和转让知识、技能和新产品相互作用的网络系统。政府对创新政策的制定着眼于创造、应用和扩散知识的相互作用过程以及各类机构间的相互影响和作用上。国家创新体系的特点有:1.国家创新体系的核心是创新活动。国家创新体系必须是在国家层面上展开的,对经济增长和经济发展具有重大影响的创新系统。2.国家创新体系是经济和社会可持续发展的基础和引擎,是培养和造就高素质人才的摇篮,是综合国力和国际竞争力的支柱和后盾。3.国家创新体系中的制度安排是中心变量。(《国家创新体系》,via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/国家创新体系)。国家科技创新体系主要由创新主体、创新基础设施、创新资源、创新环境、外界互动等要素组成,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)》中指出:国家科技创新体系是以政府为主导、充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用、各类科技创新主体紧密联系和有效互动的社会系统,目前,我国基本形成了政府、企业、科研院所及高校、技术创新支撑服务体系四角相倚的创新体系,我国科技体制改革紧紧围绕促进科技与经济结合,以加强科技创新、促进科技成果转化和产业化为目标,以调整结构、转换机制为重点,取得了重要突破和实质性进展(《国家创新体系》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6798377-7015163.html)。


[1] 国家创新体系.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/国家创新体系
[2] 国家创新体系.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6798377-7015163.html


1. 要解决这个问题,就必须深化科技体制改革,破除一切制约科技创新的思想障碍和制度藩篱,处理好政府和市场的关系,推动科技和经济社会发展深度融合,打通从科技强到产业强、经济强、国家强的通道,以改革释放创新活力,加强建立健全国家创新体系,让一切创新源泉充分涌流。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:125

1. To solve this problem, we must further scientific and technological system reform, change mindsets and remove institutional barriers hindering scientific and technological innovation, properly handle the relationship between government and market, and better integrate science and technology with social and economic development. We must open a channel through which science and technology can boost industrial, economic and national development. We must spur innovation with reform, accelerate the construction and improvement of a national innovation system, and let the well water of innovation gush out fully. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 138.

2. 要着力加强科技创新统筹协调,努力克服各领域、各部门、各方面科技创新活动中存在的分散封闭、交叉重复等碎片化现象,避免创新中的“孤岛”现象,加快建立健全各主体、各方面、各环节有机互动、协同高效的国家创新体系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:126

2. We should vigorously improve coordination in scientific and technological innovation so as to avoid fragmentation and isolation, as well as overlapping and repetition in campaigns launched by departments in various fields. We should set up a national innovation system within which experts in all fields can interact and collaborate to achieve high efficiency. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 139.


例句 1:
To execute the strategy of innovation-oriented country, we need national innovation system and the guidance of Marxist theory of innovation.

例句 2:
Thus, it has become a urgent task for Mainland China to quicken the progress of the construction of its state innovation system.

例句 3:
The construction of national innovation system relays on academy research, high-tech creation, and advanced research talent training.





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