

字词 解放区


the Liberated Area(s)


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 214.


同年10月1日,中国共产党宣布中华人民共和国正式成立。而中国国民党依旧留守台湾,造成了至今未能解决的“台湾问题”。至此,国统区和解放区二词退出了历史的舞台(解放区.via: http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E5%8C%BA/330727)。


[1] 解放区.via:http://data.tiexue.net/view/5090
[2] 解放区.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E5%8C%BA/330727


1. 统一战线中的独立自主问题,是当时毛泽东同陈绍宇在抗日民族统一战线问题上意见分歧的突出问题之一,这在本质上就是统一战线中无产阶级领导权的问题。关于这种意见分歧,毛泽东在一九四七年十二月十五日的报告《目前形势和我们的任务》中曾作了以下简要的总结:“抗日战争时期,我党反对了和这种投降主义思想(编者按:指第一次国内革命战争时期陈独秀的投降主义思想)相类似的思想,即是对于国民党的反人民政策让步,信任国民党超过信任人民群众,不敢放手发动人民群众斗争,不敢在日本占领区扩大解放区和扩大人民的军队,将抗日战争的领导权送给国民党,我党对于这样一种软弱无能的腐朽的未被马克思列宁原则的思想,进行了坚决的斗争,坚决地执行了‘发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固势力’的政治路线,坚决地扩大了解放区和人民解放军。”——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1960:537-538

1. At the time, the issue of independence and initiative within the united front was one of the outstanding questions concerning the anti-Japanese united front, a question on which there were differences of opinion between Comrade Mao Tse-tung and Chen Shao-yu. In essence what was involved was proletarian leadership in the united front. In his report of December 1947 (“The Present Situation and Our Tasks”) Comrade Mao Tse-tung briefly summed up these differences: During the War of Resistance, our Party combated ideas similar to those of the capitulationists [referring to Chen Tu-hsiu’s capitulationism in the period of the First Revolutionary Civil War], that is, such ideas as making concessions to the Kuomintang’s anti-popular policies, having more confidence in the Kuomintang than in the masses, not daring to arouse and give full rein to mass struggles, not daring to expand the Liberated Areas and the people’s armies in the Japanese-occupied areas, and handing over the leadership in the War of Resistance to the Kuomintang. Our Party waged a resolute struggle against such impotent and degenerate ideas, which run counter to the principles of Marxism- Leninism, resolutely carried out its political line of “developing the progressive forces, winning over the middle forces and isolating the die-hard forces”, and resolutely expanded the Liberated Areas and the People’s Liberation Army. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 213-214.

2. 几年内,我党开辟了一个广大的解放区战场,以至于能够停止日寇主力向国民党战场作战略进攻至五年半之久,将日军主力吸引到自己周围,挽救了国民党战场的危机,支持了长期的抗战。但在此阶段内,我党一部分同志,犯了一种错误,这种错误就是轻视日本帝国主义(因此不注意战争的长期性和残酷性,主张以大兵团的运动战为主,而轻视游击战争),依赖国民党,缺乏清醒的头脑和缺乏独立的政策(因此产生对国民党的投降主义,对于放手发动群众建立敌后抗日民主根据地和大量扩大我党领导的军队等项政策,发生了动摇)。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1960:942

2. In the course of several years our Party had opened up such an extensive theatre of war, namely, the Liberated Areas, that for no less than five and a half years we were able to prevent any strategic offensive by the main forces of the Japanese invaders against the Kuomintang front, draw these forces around ourselves, extricate the Kuomintang from the crisis in its theatre of war and maintain the protracted War of Resistance. But during that stage some comrades in our Party committed an error; they underestimated Japanese imperialism (and so did not see the protracted and ruthless nature of the war, maintained that mobile warfare with large formations should be primary and belittled guerrilla warfare), placed reliance on the Kuomintang, and failed to pursue an independent policy soberly (hence their capitulationism towards the Kuomintang and their vacillation in applying the policy of boldly and freely arousing the masses to establish anti-Japanese democratic base areas behind the enemy lines and greatly expanding the armed forces led by our Party). -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 168.

3. 自武汉失守以来的五年半中,共产党领导的解放区战场担负了抗击日为主力的重担,这在今后虽然可能发生某些变化,但这种变化也只能是暂时的,因为国民党在五年半以来消极抗日、积极反共的反动政策下所养成的极端腐化状态,今后必将遭到严重的挫折,到了那时,我党抗击敌伪的任务又将加重了。国民党以五年半的袖手旁观,得到了丧失战斗力的结果。这一种情况,将决定今后中国的命运。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1960:945

3. During the five and a half years since the fall of Wuhan, the theatre of war of the Liberated Areas led by the Communist Party has borne the brunt of resisting the main forces of the Japanese and puppets; and although there may be some change in the future, it can only be temporary because the Kuomintang, rendered utterly degenerate by its reactionary policy of passive resistance to Japan and active opposition to the Communists, is bound to suffer serious reverses. When that happens, our Party’s task in fighting the enemy and the puppets will become heavier still. What the Kuomintang has gained from looking on with folded arms for five and a half years is the loss of its fighting capacity. What the Communist Party has gained from fighting and struggling hard for five and a half years is the strengthening of its fighting capacity. This is what will decide China’s destiny. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 171.


例句 1:
During the course of institutionalization of literature and art in the liberated areas after the Yan’an literature and art symposium being held, the reward mechanism played a vital role in establishing Yan’an literature and art system.

例句 2:
在解放区文学走向体制化的进程中,建构符合政党意识形态要求的 “文学大师”是其最基本的方式,“鲁迅”就是中国共产党建构起来的符合政党意识形态的 “文学大师”。——“解放区鲁迅形象建构的双重矛盾”,载于《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》2012年第2期
The Chinese communist party has started to construct its literature master since 1936, and Lu Xun is the literature master in the liberated areas.

例句 3:
After the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art, literature in the liberated areas rapidly headed for institutionalization as the contemporary literature system was being established in an attempt to standardize the development of literature.





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