

字词 内倾与外倾(又作内向与外向)


introversion and extroversion


[1] 夏基松.现代西方哲学辞典[Z].安徽人民出版社,1987:108.
[2] Extraversion and introversion. via:




[1] 朱立元.美学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2010.
[2] 刘大文.内倾型和外倾型人格特征及其对学习的影响[J].烟台师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2002(4):94.


1. 研究一通过对2128名高三学生的调查,对MBTI在教育领域中的适用性进行考察。项目分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析以及信度分析的结果表明,MBTI中文版的信效度指标还是令人满意的,同一批被试两次测试的相关在四个维度上均达到显著性水平,和EPQ测验在内外倾性上具有高度相关,结构效度分析证明它得出的实际数据和理论模型吻合,可以用于进一步的研究。研究二重在考察高中生人格类型与其高考成绩之间的关系。研究结果表明,内倾型、感觉型、思维型和判断型的学生的学习成绩明显好于相反人格机能倾向的学生;在气质组合与高考成绩关系上,SJ, ST组合有显著高分倾向,SP, NF则有显著低分倾向,而其他组合则差异不显著;在人格类型与高考单科成绩的关系上,I, J维度的学生呈现显著的高分倾向。研究三考察了大学生中人格类型的专业分布情况以及人格类型与专业调换意愿之间的关系。研究结果表明,工程类专业组呈较高T类型分布和较低F类型分布,人文艺术类专业呈高NFP分布,信息技术类呈高SJ类型分布,社科类专业呈低STJ类型和高NFP类型分布,财经类专业具有较高的SJ类型分布;在ENFP和INFP两个NFP类型上的大学生表现出了较高的专业改换倾向,而ESTJ和ISTJ两个STJ类型上则表现出了明显的坚守专业的倾向;在对人格单维机能的分析中,内倾、直觉、情感和感知机能倾向的被试具有明显的高于相反人格机能倾向被试的改换专业的意愿。——《素质教育的新思路:个性教育的理论与实证研究》,华东师范大学博士学位论文,2007:5

1. In the first study, to explore the applicability of MBTI in educational domain, MBTI were administered to 2128 high school students and the item analyses, exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses and reliability analyses were used. The results show that the reliability and validity of MBTI are satisfactory, the repeated test correlation of MBTI’s four factors in a sample are significant, and the correlation between EPQ and Extraversion- Introversion are significant. Theory model and actual data are fit well and the construct validity is supported. In the all, MBTI can be used in future study. The second study have explored the relationship between high school students’ personality type and college test, and the results showed that the students who are introversion or sensing or thinking or judging have better ranks in college test than that who are reverse personality type. As to temperature combination, SJ and ST have significant high rank tendency, and SP and NF have significant low rank tendency. At last, the students who are I or J personality type have significant higher rank tendency than who are reverse personality type. The aims of last study were to explore the relationship not only between college students’ personality type and its major, but also the personality type and their intention to major transposition. The results showed that there are more T type and less F type in college students who are major in engineer, and there is more NFP type in college students who are major in humanism, and there is more SJ type in college students who are major in information technology, and there are more NFP type and less STJ type in college students’ who are major in social science, and there is more SJ type in college students who are major in finance and economics. The students who are ENFP and INFP have more intention to major transposition, and the students who are ESTJ and ISTJ have more intention to adhere to their major. At last, the results showed that the students who are introversion or intuition or feeling or perceiving have more intention to major transposition than that who are reverse personality type. -Quoted from New View on Quality Education: Theory and Empirical Study on Personality Education, 2007: 6-7.


例句 1:
The Swiss psychologist Jean Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types is the most famous. From human consciousness orientation angle, Carl Jung put the people divided into introvert and extrovert, According to the function of consciousness is divided into: Sensation, intuition, thinking and Emotion Feature.

例句 2:

例句 3:
The aesthetic psychology is constructed by beauty and ugliness, empathy and rationality, wildness and metaphysics,and introvertedness and outgoingness. It is the structure of tension driven by Apollonian and Dionysian spirit, that defamiliarizes the text.





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