

字词 内倾直觉


introverted intuition


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000:90.
[2] Introverted Intuition. via: http://personalityjunkie.com/10/introverted-intuition-ni/






1. 冯骥才题画散文具有浓郁的道家隐逸情怀,主要表现为:渴望纵情山林,闲居隐逸;痴迷于自然美,着力表现自然美及其带来的心灵震撼;赞美诗意化栖居,人与自然的和谐共处。冯骥才在大自然的怀抱里休养生息,体验人与自然的和谐之情,体验心物交融的美的境界,其人生由此而艺术化。但在本质上,冯骥才思想是传统意义上的儒道互补模式—亦儒亦道。偏向外倾感知型和内倾直觉型的中间型性格,是形成冯骥才儒道互补思想的主因。——《隐逸情怀 儒道互补——冯骥才题画散文及其思想》,2012:63

1. A recluse’s rich feelings find their full expressions in Feng Ji-cai’s prose which are dedicated to paintings as follows: being eager to indulge in the mountains and live a recluse life. Obsessed with the beauty of nature, and trying to display both the nature and the psychic shock that it brings. Glorifying the poetic dwelling and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. In the arm of the great nature, Feng Ji-cai cultivates his temperament and experiences the harmony between man and nature. Thus his life becomes the art itself. In essence, Feng Ji-cai’s thought is the traditional complementation of Confucianism and Taoism-- a mode of both Confucian and Taoism. And the main factor lies behind Feng Ji-cai’s thought is the ambiversion which is made up by extraverted sensation and introverted intuition. -Quoted from Recluse Feelings and Complementation of Confucianism and Taoism, 2012: 67.


例句 1:

例句 2:
笔者利用Spss统计软件对333名被试的人格类型分布情况及被试的人格类型与阅读成绩的相关性进行统计分析,研究发现:1.高中生的人格类型分布不平均,外倾直觉情感感知型(ENFP)、内倾直觉情感感知型(INFP)、外倾感觉情感感知型(ESFP)人格类型的学生所占比例较大,分别占总人数的 16.8%,13.5%,13.5%,共占总人数的43.8%。——《高中生人格类型与英语阅读成绩的相关性研究》,闽南师范大学硕士学位论文,2015
This study tries to investigate the relationship between senior high school students’personality which is based on the MBTI personality type theory and their English reading scores. Spss statistical software is used to analyze the distribution of the 333 students’personality and the English reading scores of the students of the 16 different personalities and of the two opposing personality tendencies in the four dimensions, trying to investigate if there is a significant difference between the students of the 16 different personalities and the two opposing personality tendencies in the four dimensions. Findings are that:1. Senior high schoolstudents’ personalities are unevenly distributed. Extraversion Intution Feeling Perception(ENFP) personality, Introversion Intution Feeling Perception (INFP) personality and Extraversion Sensing Feeling Perception (ESFP) personality are in the  majority, accounted for 16.8%, 13.5% and 13.5% of the total respectively, all





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