字词 | 规律(又作 “法则”) |
释义 | 规律(又作 “法则”)【英】law译文来源McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 11. 定义规律(law)亦称法则。是客观事物发展过程中的本质联系,具有普遍性的形式。规律和本质是同等程度的概念,都是指事物本身所固有的、深藏于现象背后并决定或支配现象的方面。然而本质是指事物的内部联系,由事物的内部矛盾所构成,而规律则是就事物的发展过程而言,指同一类现象的本质关系或本质之间的稳定联系,它是千变万化的现象世界的相对静止的内容。规律是反复起作用的,只要具备必要的条件,合乎规律的现象就必然重复出现。世界上的事物、现象千差万别,它们都有各自的互不相同的规律,其根本内容来说可分为自然规律、社会规律和思维规律。自然规律和社会规律都是客观的物质世界的规律,它们的表现形式有所不同:自然规律是在自然界各种不自觉的、盲目的动力相互作用中表现出来的;社会规律则必须通过人们的自觉活动表现出来。思维规律是人的主观的思维形式对物质世界的客观规律的反映(《规律》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1389673-1469202.html)。规律的共同特性:任何规律都是事物运动过程本身所固有的联系;任何规律都是事物运动中的本质联系;任何规律都是事物运动过程中的必然的联系。概括来说,规律就是事物运动过程中固有的本质的必然的联系。 定义来源规律.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1389673-1469202.html 例句1. 在恩格斯那里,哲学可以有实现和付诸实践的内容这一观念是不存在的,因为恩格斯预期有一天,在以往的全部哲学中仍然独立存在的,就只有关于思维及其规律的学说——形式逻辑和辩证法。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:9 1. There was no notion that philosophy might have a content to be realised and put into practice; for Engels anticipated a time when what still survives of all former philosophy is the science of thought and its laws— formal logic and dialectics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 11. 2. 总的说来,恩格斯的论述可归结如下:上层建筑是从经济基础中产生的,偶尔是与经济基础平行发展的;上层建筑能够有相对独立性以及它自己特有的结构和规律;上层建筑与经济基础之间存在着交互作用;在某些情况下和一定时期内,上层建筑甚至能决定经济基础的发展;但是归根到底,上层建筑是由经济基础决定的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:11 2. In general, Engels’s statements amounted to this: that the structure had evolved out of, and occasionally alongside, the basis; that the superstructure could have a relative autonomy and a structure and laws peculiar to itself; that there was reciprocal inter-action between superstructure and basis; and even that, in some circumstances and for a limited period, the superstructure could determine the evolution of the basis; but that nevertheless, in the long term, the superstructure was determined by the basis. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 14. 3. 他说,“同一性的外表是思想本身、思想的纯形式内在固有的”。道理很简单,没有从杂多对象之共相中的归一性抽象,就没有概念(列宁说,概念与本质和规律是同一序列的规定),故也不可能有作为概念运转的思想。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:10 3. Adorno does not ignore the fact that the appearance of identity is inherent in thought itself, in its pure form. The reason is simple. There is no identified abstraction from multiple objects, there is no concepts (For Lenin, concepts are the same type of definitions with essences and laws), or thought which operates in terms of concepts. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 26. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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