

字词 金砖五国


the BRICS countries (Brazil; Russia; India; China; South Africa)


via: http://knowledge.ckgsb.edu.cn/2014/04/23/china/the-brics-countries-an-emerging-actor-in-development-cooperation/


2001年,美国高盛公司首席经济师吉姆·奥尼尔首次提出“金砖四国”这一概念,特指新兴市场投资代表,“金砖四国”(BRIC)引用了巴西(Brazil)、俄罗斯(Russia)、印度(India)和中国(China)的英文首字母(《金砖国家》,via:http://baike.so.com/doc/5303849-5538671.html)。由于该词与英语单词的砖(Brick)类似,因此被称为“金砖四国”。2008年至2009年,相关国家举行系列会谈和建立峰会机制,拓展为国际政治实体。2010年南非(South Africa)加入后,其英文单词变为“BRICS”,并改称为“金砖国家”,又称“金砖五国”。金砖国家的标志是五国国旗的代表颜色做条状围成的圆形,象征着“金砖国家”的合作,团结。金砖国家凭借自身经济实力的稳步提升,在世界经济中的地位越来越高,作用越来越大,被外界赋予很高的发展预期,它不仅推动了在五国之间在政治、经济、文化各个领域的合作,而且在国际事物中越来越发挥更重要的作用,并成为世界多极化的重要力量。为了实现经济的快速发展和影响力的持续扩大,在参与世界经济发展的过程中,金砖国家意识到需要对自身国际地位有一个合理预期,正确运用其影响力获取国家利益,同时,面对复杂的国际经济形势,金砖国家急需构建相互间利益平衡与分歧化解的合作机制,强化彼此之间的合作(蔡春林等,2013:40)。


[1] 金砖国家.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/5303849-5538671.html
[2] 蔡春林等.金砖国家在世界经济中的地位和作用[J].经济社会体制比较,2013,(1).


1. 金砖国家都热爱和平、珍视和平。实现世界持久和平,让世界上每一个国家都有和平稳定的社会环境,让每一个国家的人民都能安居乐业,是我们的共同愿望。不管国际风云如何变幻,我们都要始终坚持和平发展、合作共赢,要和平不要战争,要合作不要对抗,在追求本国利益时兼顾别国合理关切。不管国际格局如何变化,我们都要始终坚持平等民主、兼容并蓄,尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,尊重文明多样性,做到国家不分大小、强弱、贫富都是国际社会的平等成员,一国的事情由本国人民做主,国际上的事情由各国商量着办。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:323-324

1. The BRICS countries love and cherish peace,and share the aspiration of lasting peace in the world, a peaceful and stable social environment for all countries and a decent life for all peoples. No matter how international situations may unfold, we should stay committed to pursuing peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation. What we need is peace and cooperation, not war and confrontation. While pursuing our own interests, we should also accommodate the legitimate concerns of other countries. No matter how the international setup may evolve, we should stay committed to the principles of equality, democracy and inclusiveness. We should respect the right of all countries to independently choose their social systems and development paths and the diversity of civilizations. Countries, irrespective of their size, strength and level of development, are all equal members of the international community; the internal affairs of a country should be handled by its own people, and international affairs should be managed by all countries through consultation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 355-356.

2. 今天会晤主题提出的“致力于发展、一体化和工业化的伙伴关系”,既是金砖国家的发展目标,也是金砖国家同非洲国家合作的重要方向。我们要用伙伴关系把金砖各国紧密联系起来,下大气力推进经贸、金融、基础设施建设、人员往来等领域合作,朝着一体化大市场、多层次大流通、陆海空大联通、文化大交流的目标前进!——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:324-325

2. The theme of today's meeting, "Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialization", is not only the development goal of the BRICS countries, but also an important area of cooperation between the BRICS countries and the African countries. We should forge a strong bond among the BRICS countries through building this partnership, advance our cooperation in economy and trade, finance, infrastructure, personnel interflow and other fields, and move towards the goal of integrated markets, multi-tiered financial, network, land, air and sea links, and greater cultural exchanges. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 357.

3. 金砖国家刚刚成立5年,还处于起步发展阶段。我们要扎扎实实把自己的事情办好,把金砖国家合作伙伴关系发展好,把金砖国家合作机制建设好。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:325

3. It is only five years since the BRICS mechanism was launched, and it is still at its initial stage of development. We should run our own affairs well, strengthen the cooperative partnership among BRICS countries and improve institutional building for BRICS cooperation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 358.


例句 1:
Therefore, BRICS can expand direct investment to U. S. through expanding the service industry.

例句 2:
Every member state of the BRICS is experiencing similar high-speed economic development and appeals for more speaking rights in the world, but they differ greatly in geography, cultural tradition, economic structure, religion and so on.

例句 3:
BRICS grouping comprise democracies and non-democracies from four different continents, of very different size and economic performance and varying economic interests.





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