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[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 109.
[2] Libido. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libido






1. 更致命的是,即使我们的生存是他者制造的幻象,可幻象背后并没有我们能够重新复归的实体本质,我们的活着就是一种漂浮在表面形式上缝合起各种想象和象征性碎片的症候。不屈的挣扎和总是失败的西西弗斯式的对抗是个人主体唯一的真实存在。这样一来,我们还有可能依弗洛伊德那般到梦的深处挖掘力比多的真金吗?显然此路不通。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:353

1. More importantly, even if our survival is a fantasy created by the Other, there is no substantial essence that we can return to, and our life is a symptom that sutures various imaginary and symbolic fragments floating on the surface of forms. The Sisyphusian struggle and failure is the only real existence of the individual subject. In this way, can we still dig out the golden libido from Freudian interpretation of dreams? Clearly not. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 457-458.

2. 齐泽克这里先举的例子是卡夫卡。他说,人们都知道卡夫卡的小说以夸张的手法描写了个人在现代官僚体制下的悲苦异化命运(如人幻变成一只大虫),这似乎是戏剧性的幻象式的表述。它不是生活。可是,我们却不知道,正是卡夫卡的这种畸变的夸张“才清晰地说出了对‘真实的’、‘有效的’官僚机构自身的力比多功能(libidinal function)进行调节的幻象”。弗洛伊德的力比多在这里隐喻了一种体制的内部驱动机制。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:398-399

2. First, Zizek refers to Kafka, whose is known to hyperbolically describe the miserable and alienated personal life in the modern bureaucratic system, like the metamorphosis of man into an insect. This dramatic, fantastic narrative is not real, but it is Kafka's aberrant exaggeration, which “articulates the fantasy regulating the libidinal functioning of the ‘effective’, ‘real’ bureaucracy itself." (The Freudian libido is metaphorized into the driving mechanism within a system.) -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 510.

3. 我们不再需要纠正马克思,不再需要重新阅读他,或者不再需要在小阿尔都塞主义者们“阅读资本论”的意义上重新阅读他:按照“它的真理”来解释它。我们无疑不再想给出马克思的真理,我们想知道在马克思那里拥有何种里比多,“在马克思那里”意味着在他的文本中或在他的解释中,主要是在实践中。我们宁愿把他视为一件“艺术品”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:169-170

3. We no longer want to correct Marx, to reread him or read him in the sense that the little Althusserians would like to ‘read Capital ’: to interpret it according to ‘its truth’. We have no plan to be true, to give the truth of Marx, we wonder what there is of the libido in Marx, and ‘in Marx’ means in his text or in his interpretations, mainly in practices. We will rather treat him as a ‘work of art’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 109.


例句 1:
In the second part, I carry out psychoanalysis on Mu Shiying’ novels. Various instinct releasing or conflict of the characters are analyzed according to the writer's life experience. The paradox of their personality is showed under the interaction of the id, the ego and the superego, and the releasing of libido such as the life instinct, the death instinct and the transformation of the instinct are also showed.

例句 2:
The third chapters , to combine peditction complex and death aesthetics to scan Mishima Yukio how to take committing suicide (death) as a mouth to lead off his unusual sexual tendency, and how to concentrate to emperor of Japan who the symbol of the father power center society because the unusual nature, as well as the reason that he esteemed Leaf to Hide philosophy and selected Bushido and finally committed suicide. Finally to reveal relations between the Chrysanthemum





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