

字词 表面性




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:266.
[2] Superficiality. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficiality




[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 马克思.资本论(第三卷)[M].北京人民出版社,2004.
[3] 陆剑杰.评表面性——兼论“现象—本质—现实”的认识路线[J].江汉论坛,1989(1).


1. 列宁说:“要真正地认识对象,就必须把握它的一切方面、一切联系和‘媒介’。我们决不会完全地作到这一点,可是要求全面性,将使我们防止错误,防止僵化。”我们应该记得他的话。表面性,是对矛盾总体和矛盾各方的特点都不去看,否认深入事物里面精细地研究矛盾特点的必要,仅仅站在那里远远地望一望,粗枝大叶地看到一点矛盾的形相,就想动手去解决矛盾(答复问题、解决纠纷、处理工作,指挥战争)。这样的做法,没有不出乱子的。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:288

1. Lenin said: “in order really to know an object we must embrace, study, all its sides, all connections and “mediations”. We shall never achieve this completely, but the demand for all-sidedness is a safeguard against mistakes and rigidity. We should remember his words. To be superficial means to consider neither the characteristics of a contradiction in its totality nor the characteristics of each of its aspects; it means to deny the necessity for probing deeply into a thing and minutely studying the characteristics of its contradiction, but instead merely to look from afar and, after glimpsing the rough outline, immediately to try to resolve the contradiction (to answer a question, settle a dispute, handle work, or direct a military operation). This way of doing things is bound to lead to trouble. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol.1), 1991: 324.

2. 然而,商人资本周转的表面性和无概念性还会更大,因为同一个商人资本的周转能够同时或依次对极不相同的生产资本的周转起中介作用。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷)》,1974:341

2. But the superficiality and meaninglessness of the turnover of merchant's capital are still greater, because the turnover of one and the same merchant's capital may simultaneously or successively promote the turnovers of several productive capitals. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 304.

3. 总之,我们还是只有原子与“虚空”,不管伊壁鸠鲁本人如何反对这一点。亚里士多德已经深思熟虑地指出了那种以某一抽象原则为出发点的方法的表面性,但他却没有让这一原则在高级形式中被扬弃。他称赞毕达哥拉斯派,因为他们最早使范畴脱离其基质,不把范畴看作特殊的本质,如象范畴之于谓语那样,而是认为,范畴就是内在的实体本身。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1982:56

3. In other words, we have nothing but the atom and the хеуоу, but despite Epicurus himself striving against this, etc. Aristotle has already in a profound manner criticised the superficiality of the method which proceeds from an abstract principle without allowing this principle to negate itself in higher forms. After praising the Pythagoreans because they were the first to free the categories from their substrate, and did not consider them as attributes of the things of which they are predicated, but as the very substance itself. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 426.


例句 1:
According to our surveys, inter-cultural communication between the Han students and Uygur students in Xinjiang is featured by extension, superficiality, multilevel and ill-balance since primary schools and middle schools of the Han students and Uygur students were merged.

例句 2:
其根本局限在于盲目人的实践性, 陷入了人性理解上的先验性和价值导向上的表面性、矛盾性及片面性。——“试析尼采的个性整体主义”,载于《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2007年第4期
The basic limitations of Nietzsche's principle in this line lies in his misunderstanding of human praxis, which leads to the transcendentalism in the interpretation of human nature and the superficiality, paradoxicality, and partiality in the orientation of values.

例句 3:
The question of utility trend of moral education should be aroused concern in colleges’ moral education of our country at present. It embodies not only society ontology of the goal and one-sidedness and superficiality of content but also reversing of subject and object and formalization of the ways and means. Efforts form the above aspects can reverse the trend an





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