

字词 认识的两次飞跃


two leaps in the process of obtaining knowledge; i.e. the first leap from perceptual to rational knowledge; and the second leap from rational knowledge to revolutionary practice.


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1967: 310.






1. 认识从实践始,经过实践得到了理论的认识,还须再回到实践去。认识的能动作用,不但表现于从感性的认识到理性的认识之能动的飞跃,更重要的还须表现于从理性的认识到革命的实践这一个飞跃。抓着了世界的规律性的认识,必须把它再回到改造世界的实践中去,再用到生产的实践、革命的阶级斗争和民族斗争的实践以及科学实验的实践中去。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:292

1. Knowledge begins with practice, and theoretical knowledge is acquired through practice and must then return to practice. The active function of knowledge manifests itself not only in the active leap from perceptual to rational knowledge, but--and this is more important--it must manifest itself in the leap from rational knowledge to revolutionary practice. The knowledge which grasps the laws of the world, must be redirected to the practice of changing the world, must be applied anew in the practice of production, in the practice of revolutionary class struggle and revolutionary national struggle and in the practice of scientific experiment. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1967: 310.


例句 1:
A medium is needed in between the two leaps of military cognition. The theory obtained from the first leap, namely, from practice to cognition must be continuously modified and tested till best military decisions are finally made. The implementation of such decisions as the starting point of second leap is a complicated and active process of feedback and cycling.

例句 2:
Mao Zedong not only from the epistemology and historical materialism height combination system expounds Marx s epistemology of practice first and basic point of view, discusses the connotation and basic form of practice, practice in the process of cognition of the status and the function, but also further the epistemology and dialectics unity, elaborates the subjective and objective, truth with falsehood, the rational knowledge and perceptual knowledge, rational knowledge and practice as well as the direct and indirect experience





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