字词 | 认识运动规律 |
释义 | 认识运动规律【英】the law of movement of cognition/knowledge译文来源Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1967: 229. 定义认识产生、形成与发展的运动轨迹。在认识运动的辩证过程中,首先是从实践到认识的过程,这是认识过程的第一次能动飞跃。这一过程有两种形式:人们在实践的基础之上,形成了由感觉器官直接感受到的关于事物的现象、事物的外部联系及事物的各个方面的认识,这便是感性认识。在感性认识基础之上,人们借助抽象思维,在概括整理大量感性材料的基础上,达到关于事物的本质、全体、内部联系和事物自身规律性认识,即理性认识。而后,又经历了认识过程的第二次能动飞跃,即从认识到实践。认识世界的目的是要改造世界,要实现这一目的,就需要科学的理论作指导。而理论又只有回到实践当中,才能得到检验和发展,转换为物质力量。马克思主义认识论认为,一个正确的认识,常常要经过由实践到认识、又由认识到实践的多次循环往复才能达到,这就是认识运动的往复性。这种往复性,表现着认识运动的螺旋形上升规律。人的认识就是在这种运动规律下,在不断的反复中逐步接近真理。同时,人的认识不仅是不断反复的,而且是无限发展的。当某一个具体的认识,经过不断反复,在实践中达到了预想的结果时,对于这一具体认识,是完成了。但是对于人类认识过程的推移而言,认识又没有完成。客观事物运动、发展、变化在时间和空间上的无限性,又决定了人类认识发展的无限性(许征帆,1987:205)。这种认识运动的无限性,表现着认识运动的波浪式前进规律。人的认识就是在这种运动规律下,逐渐从必然王国达到自由王国的。 定义来源许征帆.马克思主义辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1987. 例句1. 马克思主义的唯物论,第一次正确地解决了这个问题,唯物地而且辩证地指出了认识的深化的运动,指出了社会的人在他们的生产和阶级斗争的复杂的、经常反复的实践中,由感性认识到论理认识的推移的运动。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:263 1. Marxist materialism solved this problem correctly for the first time, pointing out both materialistically and dialectically the deepening movement of cognition, the movement by which man in society progresses from perceptual knowledge to logical knowledge in his complex, constantly recurring practice of production and class struggle. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1967: 299. 2. 为了明了基于变革现实的实践而产生的辩证唯物论的认识运动——认识的逐渐深化的运动,下面再举出几个具体的例子。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:265 2. To make clear the dialectical-materialist movement of cognition arising on the basis of the practice which changes reality—to make clear the gradually deepening movement of cognition—a few additional concrete examples are given below. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1967: 301. 3. 就人类认识运动的秩序说来,总是由认识个别的和特殊的事物,逐步地扩大到认识一般的事物。人们总是首先认识了许多不同事物的特殊的本质,然后才有可能更进一步地进行概括工作,认识诸种事物的共同的本质。当人们已经认识了这种共同的本质以后,就以这种共同的认识为指导,继续地向着尚未研究过的或者尚未深入地研究过的各种具体的事物进行研究,找出其特殊的本质,这样才可以补充、丰富和发展这种共同的本质的认识,而使这种共同的本质的认识不致变成枯槁的和僵死的东西。这是两个认识的过程:一个是由特殊到一般,一个是由一般到特殊。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:284-285 3. As regards the sequence in the movement of man's knowledge, there is always a gradual growth from the knowledge of individual and particular things to the knowledge of things in general. Only after man knows the particular essence of many different things can he proceed to generalization and know the common essence of things. When man attains the knowledge of this common essence, he uses it as a guide and proceeds to study various concrete things which have not yet been studied, or studied thoroughly, and to discover the particular essence of each; only thus is he able to supplement, enrich and develop his knowledge of their common essence and prevent such knowledge from withering or petrifying. These are the two processes of cognition: one, from the particular to the general, and the other, from the general to the particular. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1967: 320-321. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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