字词 | 讲坛社会主义者 |
释义 | 讲坛社会主义者【英】socialists of the chair; Katheder-Socialists译文来源[1] 伊特韦尔,约翰,米尔盖特,默里,纽曼,彼得.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第四卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996:437. 定义19世纪60、70年代产生于德国的一个社会主义派别。因其代表人物大多是大学教授,故又称“教授社会主义”。讲坛社会主义认为国家是超阶级的组织,它能够调和阶级矛盾,在不触及资产阶级利益的情况下亦可以逐步实现社会主义。该派别鼓吹工会、劳动保护、社会立法的作用,主张通过对工人实行保险制度和确立工厂立法等方法来解决工人的问题。恩格斯曾批判他们“想把雇佣奴隶变成心满意足地雇佣奴隶”(《马克思恩格斯全集》第22卷第110页)(刘伟,1994:882)。 定义来源[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 我们看到,他在文章的前半部分把某一学派的理论家叫作“最新经济学家”。读者一定会以为他这一次还是指的那些理论家。事实上作者在这里完全另有所指。现在充当最新经济学家的已经是德国的讲坛社会主义者了。作者认为西斯蒙第的理论接近于讲坛社会主义者的学说,这就是替西斯蒙第辩护。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:143 1. We have seen that in the first part of his article he applied the term “modern economists” to the theoreticians of one definite school. The reader would be right in thinking that he is referring to them this time too. Actually, however, the author has something entirely different in mind. It is now the German Katheder-Socialists who figure as the modern economists. The author’s defence of Sismondi consists in closely identifying his theory with theirs. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 174. 2. 讲坛社会主义是指德国政治经济学新历史学派的代表人物阿·瓦格纳、古·施穆勒、路·布伦坦诺、威·桑巴特等。19世纪70年代,随着德国资本主义的迅速发展,阶级矛盾日益尖锐,新历史学派的教授们开始在大学讲坛上打着社会主义的幌子鼓吹资产阶级改良主义,以适应资产阶级阻挠马克思主义传播和工人运动发展的需要。他们指责资产阶级自由派忽视劳资问题的解决,资产阶级自由派反过来嘲讽他们那一套为讲坛社会主义。讲坛社会主义者硬说资产阶级国家是超阶级的组织,能够调和敌对的阶级,逐步地实行“社会主义”而不触动资本家的利益。在俄国,合法马克思主义者宣扬讲坛社会主义的改良主义思想。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:439 2. Katheder-Socialism—a trend in bourgeois political economy that emerged in Germany in the seventies and eighties of the nineteenth century. Under the guise of socialism the Katheder-Socialists preached bourgeois-liberal reformism from university chairs (Katheder). They maintained that the bourgeois state was above classes, that it was capable of reconciling hostile classes and gradually introducing “socialism”, without affecting the interests of the capitalists, while, at the same time, taking the demands of the workers as far as possible into consideration. In Russia the views of the Katheder-Socialists were disseminated by the “legal Marxists”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 560. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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