

字词 认识论断裂


epistemological rupture; epistemological break; epistemological obstacle


[2]Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 95.
[3]Epistemological rupture. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemological_rupture


法国巴什拉提出的概念。是其科学观和“新认识论”的重要内容。认为在科学中从来不存在简单进化的问题,科学是通过经常性的革命,始终不断地在突现式的决裂中进行重构。在巴什拉的科学史观中,他所描述的认识断裂有两种:一是从前科学到科学的理论飞跃;二是从一种科学理论形态向另一个新形态断裂的飞跃(如20世纪新物理学的突现)的一般论说(张一兵,2012:4-12)。阿尔都塞丰富了这一概念,指一种科学理论的形成所经历的由意识形态到科学的根本转变,科学从它史前时期脱胎出来,把史前时期的意识形态看作错误并与之决裂。这里说的意识形态,不是指通常属于上层建筑的意识形态,而是指形象、观念甚至包括神话在内的“表象群”,是人类对生存条件依赖的无意识的“体验”和“想象”。意识形态适应一定生活现实而存在,它作为一切社会总体的有机组成部分,是人类社会“呼吸的空气”,是“影响历史发展的工具”,但它并不能提供认识社会生活的科学手段。而科学则能认识世界,揭示社会生活的本质,科学和意识形态之间存在着根本区别。任何科学理论的建立都意味着同它史前时期实行认识论断裂,对它所由产生的意识形态的结构进行彻底改造。阿尔都塞依据“认识论断裂”这个概念,阐述了马克思主义理论的形成。认为马克思思想发展中的认识论断裂发生于1845年,在此之前,属于意识形态的阶段,马克思早期著作中的“人的本质”、“异化”、“异化劳动”等概念,都属于非科学的“表象群”。1845年之后,同一切把历史和政治统统归结为人的本质及其异化的议论实行彻底决裂,提出社会形态、生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑等科学概念,创立了历史唯物主义,批判了哲学人道主义,确认人道主义为非科学的意识形态。历史唯物主义的创立,是人类思想史上的理论革命。阿尔都塞把意识形态和科学对立起来,用“认识论断裂”这一概念,批判了一些人利用了马克思早期著作中人性、异化、人道主义等非科学的意识形态概念企图把马克思主义人道化、黑格尔化的作法 (蒋永福,2000:620) 。阿尔都塞反对把马克思主义人道化、黑格尔化的倾向是合理的,但把科学和意识形态截然对立起来,借用“认识论断裂”范畴来说明马克思的思想转变,是值得商榷的。




1. 我已经多次指出,前者是马克思此时的主导理论逻辑框架,而后者则不过是一种新的理论线索的否定性因素。特别由于这两者之间似乎存在着十分深刻的相悖性,马克思这时还无法将后者中的客观必然性的“是”与前一条线索中否定意义上出现的坏的“是”统一起来。所以,我们就不能同意法国哲学家阿尔都塞的观点,即把马克思的思想进程特别是后来发生的哲学变革简单地说成是一种“认识论断裂”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:247

1. I have mentioned several times that the former is Marx’s dominant logical framework at this time, while the latter is only an element of refutation in a new theoretical line of thinking. Because these two lines of thinking appear to be so deeply paradoxical, Marx was, as yet, unable to unify the objectively necessary “is” of the latter line of thinking with the evil “is” of the first line of thinking. Therefore I am unable to agree with the French philosopher Althusser in his “epistemological rupture theory” that suggests a simple “rupture” in the development of Marx’s thinking. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 186.

2. 19世纪40年代的“认识论断裂”把黑格尔主义的马克思和科学的马克思区分开来,因为阿尔都塞是马克思主义的科学特征的坚定捍卫者。就这一特征而言,马克思主义可以摆脱它是一种意识形态的指责。在阿尔图书的世界图式中,意识形态是一种充满盲点和内在矛盾的实体,使资产阶级国家的公民看不到真正的事态。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:148

2. The epistemological break of the 1840s divides the Hegelian Marx from the scientific Marx, with Althusser being a staunch defender of Marxism’s scientific character. Given that character, Marxism can be cleared of the charge of being an ideology, an entity which in Althusser’s scheme of things is marked by blind-spots and internal contradictions hiding the real state of affairs from the citizens of a bourgeois state. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 95.

3. 大家知道,在受到巴什拉法国新科学认识论的影响之后,阿尔都塞将巴什拉的认识论断裂说引人到对马克思思想史的研究中来,所以,鲍德里亚才能够偷偷地挪用作为思想史断裂结果的“意识形态”和“科学”范式。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:244

3. It is known that under the influence of Gaston Bachelard’s “epistemological break”. Althusser, introduces it to the research of Marxist history. Then, Baudrillard stealthily appropriates the result of the broken history of thought, the "ideological” and “scientific” paradigms. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 324.


例句 1:
Louis Althusser insisted on explaining Marxism from the aspect of scientism and explained the differences between Marx's early thoughts and mature thoughts by the means of raising “epistemological rupture”.

例句 2:
The theory of “epistemological rupture” revealed by Bachelard holds, on the one hand, that the existence of “epistemological obstacle” between “pre-science” and “science” constitutes a barrier to scientific spirit, and on the other hand, it is this obstacle that constitutes a hotbed for poetic imagination.

例句 3:
Althusser’s theory of epistemological rupture has long been a hot topic in the academic circle. This study attempts to discuss the question whether the development of Marxism is a continuous process or the one with a break. This is analyzed based on the study of Marxism works. Althusser’s theory of epistemological rupture is used to analyze whether there is break or not.





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