

字词 自主性


initiative; autonomy


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 161, 331


哲学意义:哲学家康德认为,“应该蕴涵能够”(Ought implies Can)——理性的个人,想要成为一个道德的人,就必须具有一种有意识的选择自由。许多启蒙政治思想也从这个毋庸置疑的前提出发:有意识的和理性的个体可以自由的行使自己的政治偏好。尼采对传统道德和政治学说的谱系研究,揭示出个人几乎没有什么真正的或独立的选择。由权力意志产生的斗争,一人们常常意识不到的方式,产生出他们的信念、态度和价值。尼采的思想虽然算不上连贯一致,但他也主张,即使是一个独立主体的存在也都是一个神话。
生物学意义:生物学认为,器官、细胞和细胞器作为生物个体的部分,可以自动完成一些生命活动,称为其自主性。例如:线粒体、叶绿体等细胞器带有DNA,可以产生某些蛋白质来完成自身功能,而不需要细胞核染色质的指导,癌细胞不受控制地增殖,破坏了机体内部平衡。这些都表现出它们一定程度的自主性。(自主性. via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=7glSW99J_WnwhjM6NTN5MlHDkZ85ohYkwXR-F_xV1-Ib6lLBg1L1MIedBqp9HCS4Gb5xfyhlLZjMz6WOAb5EMqglOZ51xPUIpKkG59Bg8JhrA66BwHOiIIqlvBYX6x7R)


[1] 谢圣明,黄立平.中国青年百科全书[M].华夏出版社,1992.
[2] 自主性.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=7glSW99J_WnwhjM6NTN5MlHDkZ85ohYkwXR-F_xV1-Ib6lLBg1L1MIedBqp9HCS4Gb5xfyhlLZjMz6WOAb5EMqglOZ51xPUIpKkG59Bg8JhrA66BwHOiIIqlvBYX6x7R


1. 经济学方面的代表性人物是奥塔·希克(Ota Sik),他的《社会主义制度下的计划和市场》一书为1968年的许多改革提供了理论基础。希克想强调的是,市场关系甚至在社会主义制度下也很重要,以及允许工人集体有充分的自主性也同等重要。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:152

1. In economics, the dominant figure was Ota Sik, whose Plan and Market underSocialism supplied the theoretical basis for many of the 1968 reforms. Sik wished to emphasise the importance of market relations even under socialism and the equal importance of leaving considerable initiative to workers' collectives. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 161.

2. 每个层次都有其自己特有的时间,都有属于自身的发展节律。阿尔都塞把处于某一特定时间内诸方面或诸层次之间复杂的、不平衡的相互关联称为“关节点”而每一关键环节据说是“多因素(反向)决定”的,即其中每一个层次都有助于决定结构、并被结构所决定,因而,决定关系往往是复杂的。于是,阿尔都塞摈弃了这样的观念,即认为在生产力与生产关系、基础与上层建筑之间只存在着简单的矛盾。当然,每个层次的决定作用并不是对等的,因为它们的自主性都只有相对的,而经济总是起最终决定作用的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:318

2. Each level had its own peculiar time, its own rhythm of development. This complex and uneven relationship of the instances of levels to each other at a specific time was called by Althusser a “conjuncture”. Every conjuncture was said to be “overdetermined” in that each of the levels contributed to determining the structure as well as being determined by it: determination was always complex. Thus Altuhsser rejected the idea that there was only one simple contradiction between forces and relations of production, between base and superstructure. Of course, the determining role of each level was not equal; their autonomy as only relative and the economy was always determining in the last instance. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 331.

3. 第一个时期,马克思是以人的社会类本质——理想化的自主性劳动活动即人 类存在应有的本真状态为价值悬设,并以此认证资产阶级私有财产制的非人性,即人的劳动类本质、人与自己的劳动产品和人与人的社会关系非常性的异化与颠倒,并提出要扬弃劳动异化、消灭私有制,复归于人的本质之共产主义理想生存状态。——《回到马克思——经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:83.

3. In the first-time frame, Marx began with man’s social species-essence — idealized autonomous labor activities — as his value postulate. Using this inherently true state under which mankind ought to exist as his standard, Marx confirms the anti-humanist nature of the capitalist system of private ownership of property. This system is man’s labor species-essence: the abnormal, alienated, inverted relationships between an individual and the product of his labor, as well as between one individual and another. Marx advocated abandoning labor alienation, destroying the system of private ownership of property, and restoring to man’s nature the ideal state of communism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics,2014, xxxix


例句 1:
Collectivism is one of the basic ideas of socialism, taking personal autonomy and initiative as its humanistic foundation and the all-round development of individuals as its intuitive characterization.

例句 2:
With the deepening of the global localization and local internationalization, the enthusiasm and autonomy of local government to forign contacts has been gradually increased.

例句 3:
To cultivate teachers’ teaching communication quality could help teachers to be active, to improve themselves in helping people, to help students succeed in learning and acquire autonomy and initiative, also to make the relation between teachers and students deep and sustainable develop.





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