

字词 传统主义




Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 11.




[1] 神学辞典.via:http://www.tianzhujiao.info/book/html/131/7737.html
[2] (日)竹内敏雄.美学百科辞典[Z].刘晓路译.湖南人民出版社,1988.


1. 就“纯洁的”工人阶级是一种谬论而言,社会主义没有其他真正的选择,只有尽可能积极地参与到“后一”世界的争论之中,对传统主义作出尽可能少的让步,尤其是对如下传统主义(在铁杆左翼那里仍然繁荣发展)作出尽可能少的让步:它以阶级和政党规定了一种统一的政治路径,并且这种统一不可以简单地称为“虚假意识”的结果。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:17

1. Given that a ‘pure’ working class is a fallacy, socialism has no real option but to enter into the debates of the post-world with as much spirit, and as few concessions to traditionalism, as it can—especially the traditionalism (still flourishing on the ‘hard left’) that specified a unity of approach to politics in both class and party terms, and where that unity was not found simply labelled the result ‘false consciousness’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 11.

2. 对工人阶级的残余信奉表明了一种类似的观念传统主义,并且人们可以理解像利奥塔这样的后马克思主义者为什么会加以反对,就像他反对这种特殊的迷恋一样,“这里有一个问题。政治知识分子,为什么你倾向于无产阶级?怜悯什么呢?” ——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:53

2. The residual commitment to the working class signals a similar traditionalism of outlook, and one can appreciate why a post-Marxist such as Lyotard could react as he did to this particular obsession: ‘And here is the question. Why, political intellectuals, do you incline towards the proletariat? In commiseration for what?’ -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 34.

3. 有人可能指责在上文所讨论的著作中高歌猛进的好斗的反传统主义,因为这种反传统主义关注的是此时此刻,拒绝陷入历史的错误。尽管我们能够理解这一立场的要求,但是难以看到它会转变成群众的政治行动(这始终是马克思主义的首要目标)。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:90

3. One might find fault with the militant anti-traditionalism coursing through the works discussed above, with its concentration on the immediate moment and refusal to be bogged down in the mistakes of history. While one can understand the appeal of such a position, it is hard to see it translating into mass political action (always Marxism’s prime objective). -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 58.


例句 1:
In relation to Chen Duxiu s anti-traditionalist thought, the main threads and the basic intension are combed out from ethics and morality, political institution, culture and education, literature and arts, and national personalit; and its immanent logical construction and its key points are analysed. Anti-traditionalism unity of revolution and reconstruct, and uncompromising staunchness and effectivity as its three characteristics are summed up by analysis and induction. The subjective motive and objective effect of Chen Duxius anti-traditionalist thought and behaviour at that given time are traced and explored by using historical analysis, logical analysis and psychoanalysis. The misconstruction placed on him then and later ages is refuted The historical height, the enlightened value, and the influence across time and space of Chen Duxiu anti-traditionalism should be established from the interaction of history and reality.

例句 2:





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