[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence &Wishart, 1987: 610.
[2] 约翰·伊特韦尔,默里·米尔盖特,皮特·纽曼.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第三卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996:146.
[3] Latifundium. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latifundium
例句 1:
智利在殖民地时期属于西属美洲的边缘地区,其土地制度的演变与中心地区既有一致性,又 有差异性。如同西属美洲中心地区一样,其大庄园起源于国王分配给殖民者的恩赐地,在经历了各种形式 的土地兼并后,经官方对土地权利的审定,最终形成合法的私人大地产。但与中心地区的不同之处是: 当 地印第安人社会的特点决定了委托监护权分配方式主要是以酋长为单位,委托监护制长期保持了劳役制的 特点; 智利经济经历了 “黄金时代”、 “油脂世纪” 和 “小麦世纪” 三个阶段,大庄园的形成是在 18 世纪 小麦出口的推动下完成的,比中心地区晚一个世纪; 大庄园中的印第安人劳动力经历了 “梅斯蒂索化” 过 程,带来了智利种族结构的相对一致性。大庄园制是智利最重要的殖民制度遗产。——“论智利大庄园制度的起源”,载于《史学集刊》,2012年06期
The evolution of the land system of Chile, which located in the marginal region of the Spanish Americas during the colonial period, has both similarities and differences with respect to that of the central region. Similar to that in the central Spanish Americas, Chilean Hacienda originated from the Mercedes assigned to the colonists by the king ,and eventually became legitimate private real estate after various forms of the annexation of land, and then after the official surveys and recognition. On the other hand ,Chilean land system is different from that of the central region in that the Encomienda is based on Indian chieftain ,which is deter- mined by the characteristics of local Indian society. The Encomienda kept the characteristics of the labor sys- tem for a long time. The Chilean economy has experienced “the golden age”, “the grease century ”and “the wheat century”; the formation of Hacienda in the 18th century