字词 | 金融寻租 |
释义 | 金融寻租【英】financial rent-seeking译文来源李蛟.金融自由化的辩证思考[J].云南财贸学院学报,2001(5):31. 定义金融寻租是指在国家干预或调节经济的过程中,由于管理手段或政策工具的作用效应与现实经济运转机制的客观需要产生反差,使社会经济各单元通过非市场化或非生产性、经营性的活动寻求非生产性、经营性利润的现象。从理论上讲,这种寻租不仅包括寻求由于政府对经济活动的行政干预而产生的级差收入或某种经济优惠,也包括旨在通过逃避管理而寻求不合理收入的活动。金融寻租现象产生于近代资本主义经济中。本世纪30年代大危机以来,资本主义国家普遍应用凯恩斯理论对社会经济生活进行干预和调节,同时对某些微观经济活动施加管制,金融寻租活动由此产生和发展,它在一定程度上抵消了国家利用一系列政策干预和影响经济的效果,也使得社会利益不合理流动的现象更加严重。 定义来源[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 布哈林把希法亭从金融资本主义的必然要求的角度而对帝国主义所作的分析作为自己的出发点间,接着描述了希法亭著作出版后几年以来垄断发展的程度:国家日益增强的干预己使整个国民经济以资本主义托拉斯或国家资本主义的形式组织起来。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008: 97 1. Bukharin took as his starting point Hilferding’s analysis of imperialism in terms of the necessary demands of financial capitalism; and he went on to describe the extent to which monopoly had developed in the few years since Hilferding’s book. The increasing intervention of the State had led to the national economy as a whole being organised in the form of a capitalist trust or state capitalism. -Quoted from: Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 105. 2. 坚持廉洁履职,深入推进反腐倡廉。认真落实党风廉政建设主体责任,严厉整治各种顶风违纪行为。加强行政监察,推进审计全覆盖。以减权限权、创新监管等举措减少寻租空间,铲除滋生腐败土壤。推动党风廉政建设向基层延伸,坚决纠正侵害群众利益的不正之风,坚定不移惩治腐败。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016 2. We will ensure that government duties are performed with integrity and intensify efforts to fight corruption. We will see that leading Party and government officials at all levels assume full responsibility for improving Party conduct and government integrity, and we will severely punish all types of behavior that constitute flagrant violations of discipline. Administrative supervision will be strengthened, and the whole government system will be placed under auditing. Steps will be taken, such as reducing or limiting certain powers and adopting new forms of supervision, to eliminate room for rent-seeking and eradicate the breeding grounds of corruption. We will ensure that efforts to improve Party conduct and government integrity are extended right down to the community level, resolutely correct improper conduct that harms the interests of the general public, and punish corruption without fail. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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