

字词 有效性


effectiveness; validity; efficacy


[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 471.
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 151.


有效性是德国哲学家胡塞尔的学术概念,具体是指规律或真理的有效性。有效性是胡塞尔在其代表著作《逻辑研究》中的核心概念之一,同时也是胡塞尔“逻辑研究”中要予以解决的主要问题。为了解释规律或真理的有效性,胡塞尔对其进行了区分,提出了实在规律和逻辑规律的概念。胡塞尔认为,实在规律的有效性区别于对逻辑规律的有效性,因为实在规律是假言的和变化的,而逻辑规律是绝对的、永恒的、超时空的。胡塞尔还认为,纯粹逻辑学的定理是从直接明晰的公理中推演出来,并且涉及到形式的含义概念和对象概念。它们意味着先天的真理,因而具有绝对的“有效性”,即逻辑规律作为绝对有效的规律必然独立于认识者以及认识的时空状况,并保持永恒的有效性。以后在先验现象学领域中,胡塞尔采取与康德相似的立场,他将“有效性”问题看作是“先验的合法性问题”:“不在于提问‘是否有效而在于提间,这种有效性可以具有何种意义以及可以具有何种范围”(倪梁康,2007: 187)。


倪梁康.胡塞尔现象学概念通释[M]. 三联书店, 2007.


1. 对于参加交换活动的每一个个人主体来说,他们必然要误认了交换的社会的和综合的功能:真实的抽象实际上是作为私人财产以市场为中介的社会化形式。作为“实用主义的唯我论”,这样一种误认是交换活动得以发生的必要条件,如果商品交换的参与者关注到“真实的抽象”这一维,那么交换活动的“有效性”将不复存在。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:364

1. Any subject engaged in exchange is sure to misconceive the social and comprehensive function of exchange: the real abstraction in the actual social form of private property mediated through the market. As “pragmatic solipsism”, this kind of misconception provides a prerequisite for exchange. If the participant notices the dimension of “real abstraction,” the “effectiveness” of exchange activities will vanish. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 471.

2. 随意性和主观性被从个别事实的素材中,从对这些事实的判断中挪进了标准本身,挪进了“有效的文化价值”中,对于“有效的文化价值”的评价,甚至对它们的有效性的研究,在这种基础上将是不可能的:“文化情值”对历史学家来说成了自在之物。这是一种结构的发展,我们可以从本文第一部分对经济学和法学的考察中,发现存在着类似的情况。——《历史与阶级意识——关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:230-231

2. The arbitrariness and subjectivity are transformed from the material of the particular facts and from judgments on these into the criterion itself, into the “prevailing cultural values”. And to judge or even investigate the validity of these values in not possible within that framework; for the historian the ‘cultural values’ become the thing-in-itself; a structural process analogous to those we observed in economics and jurisprudence in Section I. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 151.

3. 经济基础和上层建筑之间的差别被划分得异常严格。因为理性认识和道德理想也对行为起着重要的促进作用,所以伯恩施坦希望给予“意识形态因素、特别是伦理因素比从前更为广阔的独立活动的余地”。《爱尔福特纲领》却过分强调资本主义规律的普遍有效性,近乎于自然规律,所以伯恩施坦批评考茨基有“把只具相对力量的事物说成绝对的习惯”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:30

3. Too sharp a distinction was being made between base and superstructure: intellectual understanding and ethical ideals were also important impulses to action and Bernstein wished to afford “the ideological, and especially the ethical, factors greater space for independent activity than was formerly the case”. The Erfurt Programme had laid too much stress on laws of capitalism that were universally valid and akin to natural laws, and Bernstein criticised Kautsky’s “habit of presenting as absolute something that has only a relative force”. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 35.


例句 1:
In the face of rapid globalization, it is of particular importance to seek the laws and principles to maintain and enhance the effectiveness of Chinese ideological and political education, which has now been greatly challenged and weakened. Guided by the historical materialism of Marxism and upholding the integration of macro- and micro-check, and of history and logic, this paper gives an account of the awareness of the effectiveness on the ideological and political education, its evaluation and significance, provides an analysis of the effect of globalization on the effectiveness, then offers ways and means to achieve better effectiveness.

例句 2:
Based on the Marxism and ideological-political education theory, using the relevant theories and research results of





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