

字词 普遍性




[1]Engels & Marx, K., F. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M], London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 137.
[2]Universality (philosophy). via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universality_(philosophy)


普遍性即事物的本质共性。黑格尔认为,普遍性是概念的最初环节,其后继的环节是特殊性和个体性,普遍性是自身同一之物,它同时包含有特殊性的和个体之物。在黑格尔看来,“概念”是从“存在”和“本质”中产生出来的,它本身是自由的无条件的。因此,“概念”的普遍性不同于“存在”的概念。普遍的东西“即使它把自己建立为一个规定,它在规定中也仍然是它所是的东西。它是它所在的具体物的灵魂,不受障碍,在具体物的多样性和差异性中仍等同于自身。”(黑格尔,1981:269)他还提到,概念的普遍性通过它自身的否定来建立自身的诸规定,即建立特殊性和个别性,并与这些规定结合成为一个统一的整体,这就是具体的普遍性。真正的普遍性不同于单纯的共同点和抽象的普遍性,它是事物的根本和实体。马克思主义认为,矛盾具有普遍性,表现在矛盾存在于一切事物的发展过程中,每一事物的发展过程都存在着自始至终的矛盾运动,即事事有矛盾,时时有矛盾。承认矛盾的普遍性和客观性,是正确对待矛盾的前提。毛泽东认为,“一切过程中矛盾着的各方面,本来是互相排斥、互相斗争、互相对立。世界上一切事物的过程里和人们的思想里,都包含着这样带矛盾性的方面,无一例外”(毛泽东,1991:327)矛盾的普遍性和特殊性是辩证统一的关系,普遍性寓于特殊性之中,并通过特殊性表现出来,特殊性也离不开普遍性,二者在一定条件下可以相互转化。毛泽东在《矛盾论》中提到,“由于事物范围的极其广大,发展的无限性,所以,在一定的场合为普遍性的东西,而在另一一定场合则变为特殊性。反之,在一定场合为特殊性的东西,而在另一一定场合则变为普遍性” (毛泽东,1991:327)。如资本主义制度中生产社会化和生产资料私人占有制的矛盾,对于资本主义来说是矛盾的普遍性。但是这种矛盾是一般阶级社会发展到一定阶段上的东西,对于一般阶级社会中的生产力和生产关系的矛盾来说,就是矛盾的特殊性。




1. 我们现在不管“达到规定性的普遍性”、“单一性和无限性”(黑格尔的概念)的命运如何。——鲍威尔先生不指出,贯串在施特劳斯关于“公社力量’和关于“传说”的理论中的观点在斯宾诺莎关于实体的观念中有其抽象的表现,有其逻辑形而上学的象形文字;鲍威尔先生不说明这一点,而是强迫“实体抛弃自己的逻辑单纯性并采取公社力量的特定存在形式”他用黑格尔的魔术机来强迫“形而上学的范畴”(从现实中抽出的抽象概念)跳出使它们溶化于纯思想的“简单”因素中的逻辑框子,并采取自然存在或人类存在的“特定形式”,也就是说,强迫它们体现出来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:174-175

1. Let us leave to their fate “the universality which attains certitude”,the “oneness and infinity” (the Hegelian Notion).— Instead of saying that the view put forward in Strams’ theory on the “power of the community” and “tradition” has its abstract expression, its logical and metaphysical hieroglyphic, in the Spinozist conception of Substance, Herr Bauer makes “Substance emerge from its logical simplicity and assume a definite form of existence in the power of the community”. He applies the Hegelian miracle apparatus by which the “metaphysical categories”—abstractions extracted out of reality—emerge from logic, where they are dissolved in the “simplicity” of thought, and assume “a definite form” of physical or human existence; he makes them become incarnate. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 137.

2. 在资本主义的生产中,人类社会第一次创造出一个全面的、丰富的劳动关系体系,人的“类本质”在价值交换打破地域局限的普遍性中才出现真正的交往的全面性。但是,这种人类主体的本质关系并不以自身的形式直接表现出来,而是以物化的经济形式表现出来的,它也必将以主体(个体)间隔了的物化形式才能得以实现。实际上,黑格尔深刻地看到了这里本质“沉沦”于物相的必然性,所以对象化才必然地就是异化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:524

2. In capitalist production, human society created for the first time a comprehensive and rich system of labor relations. With the universality that comes as man’s “species- essence” broke free from regional constraints in the exchange of value, emerges true comprehensive intercourse. However, this essential relation of the human subject is not directly expressed in its own form, but rather emerges as a reified economic form. It is only expressed as an objectified form separating subjects (individuals). In fact, Hegel profoundly sees the necessity that this essence “sink” to the level of material, and therefore objectification is necessarily alienation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 413.


例句 1:
Abstract law is free through external objects to confirm their existence; Entering the stage of moral, freedom comes from external things back to their intrinsic resistance, from the IV subjective spirit as unfettered individual freedom to ascend into universal free.

例句 2:
Around the universality of human research began in the last century in the late 80s, a late start compared with Western countries. Even so, the academic predecessors from their own national conditions, the universality of the Marxist theory of the comprehensive development of theory and practice of China, this issue for a more extensive and in-depth discussions, and achieved certain results.

例句 3:
However, the process of setting up never goes smoothly as the debate over universality and particularity has become the great hindrance. The universality of human rights, recorded in a series of international human rights codes, has been already ful





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