

字词 主观唯心主义


subjective idealism


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001: 2035.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 459.


主观唯心主义是唯心主义哲学的基本形式之一,与“客观唯心主义相对”,否认物质世界的客观存在,把主体的主观精神,如感觉、经验、心灵、意识、观念、意志等看作是真实存在的本原的东西,看作是一切事物产生和存在的根源与基础(金炳华等,2001:2035-2036)。在主观唯心主义者看来,主观精神是第一性的,外部世界的事物则是第二性的。主观唯心主义把外部世界上的一切事物都看作是自我主观精神的显现和产物。实际上就是认为外部世界上的一切事物都由每个自我的主观精神决定,没有每个意识体自我的主观精神,也就没有外部世界上的事物,即客观世界依赖于主观精神而存在(主观唯心主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=r6D656HGdagU8FFbSjgC3y-y_whzpTbbBvWoMUoVPShzLLrxkwXJbXZtowRLuu6mJOCByIbPggSCwi8GsqsFxK)。英国哲学家乔治·贝克莱(George Berkeley)开创了欧洲主观唯心主义,否认物质世界是真实的,怀疑“时间”或“空间”是否绝对存在或独立存在,而提出了“物是观念的集合”,“存在就是就是被感知”,“对象和感觉就是一种东西”等理论(乔治·贝克莱.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=de6OmNeDePFHeCB9nXCwUT9WskyNLPq3IcjeCNQQfABz4F99LkEfSN-y3bIhe45mLXOUsnv04guoT2DWMSustaIMoAlzY9l0Eqa9I8hj82pB9o_V19GtDQgH3AvGNYiREXCJF6Gg85xavd3kF0IWd_)。中国宋明时期的心学的“心即理”、“吾心即是宇宙”、“心外无物”、“心外无理”也是典型的主观唯心主义。


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 主观唯心主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=r6D656HGdagU8FFbSjgC3y-y_whzpTbbBvWoMUoVPShzLLrxkwXJbXZtowRLuu6mJOCByIbPggSCwi8GsqsFxK
[3] 乔治·贝克莱.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=de6OmNeDePFHeCB9nXCwUT9WskyNLPq3IcjeCNQQfABz4F99LkEfSN-y3bIhe45mLXOUsnv04guoT2DWMSustaIMoAlzY9l0Eqa9I8hj82pB9o_V19GtDQgH3AvGNYiREXCJF6Gg85xavd3kF0IWd_


1. 第二层含义是,由于观念反映关系和规律(尤其在社会生活的认识中),所以它常常被误认为是决定性的东西。这是关系本体论的一种颠倒的反映。请注意,这种观念决定论主要是客观唯心主义,因为主观唯心主义是从人的感觉、直觉、欲望和本能出发的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:579-580

1. On the second layer of meaning, because ideas reflect relations and laws (especially in the understanding of social life), they are often mistakenly believed to be decisive things. This is an inverted reflection of relation ontology. Please note that this idea determinism is primarily objective idealism, because subjective idealism proceeds from man’s feelings, intuition, desires, and instincts. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 459.

2. 阿多诺是从社会历史性的意义上反现这一理论现象的,他指认现代主观唯心主义是对现代社会物化现象的穿透。当然也是对拜物教化的实证主义的一种逻辑反动。所以,阿多诺称费希特的自我的霸权式的冲动“一种反意识形态的冲动”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:60

2. Adorno’s retrospection of such a theoretical phenomenon is in the sense of social historicity. He points out that modern idealism is a penetration for the reification in modern society. Of course, it is also a sort of logic reactionary against the fetishistic positivism. So, Adorno calls Fichte’s egotistic and hegemonic impulse “an impulse against ideology”. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 94-95.

3. 在这一领域内,卢卡奇的《美学》是他的著述的顶点。在《美学》中,他试图在他视为颓废的西方主观唯心主义与过分简单化的苏联社会主义现实主义之间保持中间立场。他追随黑格尔和早期的马克思,把艺术描绘为一种人性化的过程,即反映和表现人的本性和人类的一致性。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:171

3. The culmination of Lukács’ work in this field was his Aesthetics, in which he tried to maintain a position between what he considered the decadence of Western subjective idealism and the over-simplifications of Soviet socialist realism. Following Hegel and the early Marx, he portrayed art as a process of humanisation, a reflection and representation of man’s essential nature and of the unity of mankind. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 179-180.


例句 1:
The latter reveals his results in the research of philosophical ethnics, which shows that he had given up the thought of fundamental origin and began to establish a philosophical system of materialist idea based on both subjective idealism and dualism as well as the dialectical thought.

例句 2:
Isle of Man in the Holy Family, a book by the leader of the Young Hegelians criticized the subjective idealist philosophy Powell brothers, as we have established the principle of historical materialism, the philosophy of human nature, which is the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 established in the “positive humanitarian” view of the world further play.

例句 3:
In the book Holy Family, Marx criticizes the creation of the Secret of t





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