

字词 人才资源是第一资源


Talented personnel are the primary resources.


Report on the Work of the Government, 2010. via:http://book.theorychina.org/upload/3ecba7b9-cad2-4408-a2ee-ff584cc37948/






1. 加快人才资源开发。人才是第一资源。要统筹推进各类人才队伍建设,突出培养创新型科技人才、经济社会发展重点领域专门人才和高技能人才,积极引进海外高层次人才。建立健全政府、社会、用人单位和个人等多元化的人才培养投入机制,充分发挥市场配置人才资源的基础性作用,努力营造人才辈出、人尽其才的制度环境,建设人力资源强国。——《2010政府工作报告》,2010

1. We will accelerate the development of human resources. Talented personnel are the primary resources. We need to develop all types of human resources in a coordinated and all-round way, with the focus on producing innovative scientists and engineers, and experts and professionals in key areas of economic and social development, and energetically attract high caliber personnel from overseas. We will set up a mechanism for diversifying funding for personnel training, so that the government, nongovernmental bodies, employers and employees all do their part. We will make full use of the basic role of market forces in allocating human resources, strive to create an institutional environment conducive to bringing forth talented people in large numbers and tapping their full potential, and make our country rich in human resources. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2010.


例句 1:
The second stage is a rich stage of development: Jiang Zemin at the core of the party's third-generation collective leadership inherited the essence of Deng Xiaoping's scientific and technological ideas, grasping the world since the 20th century 90's the new features of scientific and technological revolution, promoting a series of important thinking: “science and technology is a concentrated expression of the advanced productive forces and the main sign, “scientific culture is the cornerstone of advanced culture, “the country through science and education strategy, “ innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and an inexhaustible motive force for national prosperity and development”, intellectuals is a pioneer in the advanced productive forces, human resources are the primary resources “, have for things, “the establishment and perfection of the noble ethics of science,and so on,forming a cross-century scientific and technological thinking of the party, which is scientific and technological thinking





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