

字词 新左派(又作新左翼或新左翼运动)


The New Left; The New Left Movement


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:952.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 350.


20世纪50年代后期,欧洲一些国家的青年学生和知识分子组成许多小的集团和流派,批判资本主义制度,积极寻求改变现状的道路,被称为区别于老左派(社会民主党、共产党)的新左派。60年代,新左派在西欧、美国得到发展,有的流派与工人运动相结合,组织罢工、游行示威等活动,法国1968年“五月风暴”即是典型一例。新左派没有统一的组织和纲领,思想来源多样化,其中有青年马克思思想、无政府主义、托洛茨基主义、西方马克思主义等。他们猛烈抨击资本主义,但不赞成组织无产阶级政党去推翻资本主义。否认工人阶级的革命作用, 自称理想的革命主力,宣称要修改“过时的”马克思主义。70年代以后逐渐衰落,有的与欧洲共产主义结合,有的退出政治舞台(康绍邦等,1991:536-537)。该派的思想理论主要受到美国的心理学家和社会哲学家古德曼、外交史家威廉斯、政治学家和社会学家米尔斯,法国萨特、列斐伏尔以及法兰克福学派理论家马尔库塞、弗罗姆、哈贝马斯等人的影响,接受他们的关于资本主义制度是压抑人的制度,导致社会和人的全面异化的思想及对青年知识分子的批判思想和造反精神的颂扬,和对人道主义的无压抑的乌托邦社会的追求。该派与以往的左派不同之处在于:思想上直接受西方马克思主义和资产阶级激进理论影响,成员主要为激进的大学生、青年知识分子、民权运动和反战运动的积极参加者,以及嬉皮士之类的对社会不满者;活动方式带有无政府主义和虚无主义色彩,要求废除政府、强制和权力,追求绝对的个人自由,奉行彻底决裂的“大拒绝”,进行罢课、游行、造反、夺权,甚至搞恐怖活动(李鹏程,2003:340-341)。


[1] 康绍邦,胡尔湖.新编社会主义辞典[Z].中国广播电视出版社,1991.
[2] 李鹏程.当代西方文化研究新词典[Z].吉林人民出版社,2003.


1. 20世纪60年代初期,马克思主义的复兴呈现出完全不同的面貌。这个“新左派”在许多方面看起来像20世纪初期的“抒情左派”。激进主义在20世纪60年代的复兴是由美国日益卷入越南战争而促成的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:336-337

1. The revival of Marxism in the early 1960s took on a very different aspect. This ‘New Left’ looked backed in many ways to the ‘Lyrical Left’ of the 1900s. The resurgence of radicalism in the 1960s was galvanised by the increasing involvement of the United States in Vietnam. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 350.

2. 从一开始,这个新左派同马克思主义的关系就带有某种矛盾性。就传统而言,马克思主义一直被看成是对工人阶级的现实状况和愿望的理论性表述,而工人阶级被视为(至少在潜在意义上)全体人口中的大多数。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:337

2. From the start, this New Left had an ambivalent relationship to Marxism. Traditionally, Marxism had been the theoretical expression of the reality and aspirations of the working class seen, potentially at least, as the majority of the population. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 350.

3. 然而在美国(这里的形势与英国有所不同),马克思主义同工人阶级并没有天然的有机联系,因而,其新左派形式往往成了所有被压迫的少数人抗议的一种手段。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:337

3. In the United States, however—and here there is a difference from the situation in the United Kingdom—Marxism was not organically linked to the working class and tended, in its New Left form, to become the vehicle of protest for all oppressed minorities. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 350.


例句 1:
This paper with a view to introduce the “new left” ideology simply standing on the objective stance.

例句 2:
In the author’s opinion, the actual trend of the “new left” veers to nationalism collectively and worships the national authority profoundly.

例句 3:
The Appearance of the British New Left is a milestone in human history of ideology. Being a representative of this school,Stuart Hall witnessed and contributed to bring it into being. Many times,he depicted and discussed in depth the appearance of the ideology from the perspectives of its historic background,the characteristics of the theory,its origin and political articulation. Hall believed that the New Left came into being in the aftermath of "Hungarian Incident "and "the Suez Canal Incident” in 1956.





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