

字词 三种意识(忧患意识、公仆意识和节俭意识)


the Three Awareness (of Chinese leadership at all levels for hardship; public service and frugality)


Are you aware of the 3 Types of Leadership Awareness? via: http://www.growthcoaching.com.au/articles-new/are-you-aware-of-the-three-types-of-leadership-awareness


三种意识,是指忧患意识、公仆意识和节俭意识。胡锦涛在十届全国人大五次会议重庆代表团审议时的讲话中指出了忧患意识、公仆意识和节俭意识对于领导干部的重要性,原话为“各级领导干部要进一步增强忧患意识,始终保持开拓进取的锐气;要进一步增强公仆意识,始终牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨;要进一步增强节俭意识,始终发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,团结带领广大群众不断夺取改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的新胜利”(胡锦涛,转引自中共太原市委党史研究室,2007年4月27日:第六版)。胡锦涛提出的三种意识内涵丰富,忧患意识是一种危机感、责任感,共产党人以国家、民族和人民利益为出发点,以一种清醒的防范和预见的意识来面对改革与发展道路上遇到的困难和艰辛,拼搏进取,为了社会发展的前途命运、国家的长期繁荣、民族的持续兴盛,广大人民的根本利益而奋斗。这是一种历史使命的意识,要求人们居安思危,不断进取,不被眼前的强盛景象所迷惑。公仆意识是中国共产党人立党为公、执政为民的需要,由我国政府和中国共产党的性质和宗旨决定,“从本质上来说, 公仆意识就是共产党人全心全意为人民服务的意识”(韩振峰,2007:101)。公仆意识体现了在民主政治生活中党和政府对人民群众负责,切实保障人民群众的利益。中国共产党的最大政治优势是密切联系群众,党执政后的最大危险是脱离群众,所以正确处理和人民群众的关系,走群众路线,从群众中来到群众中去,领导干部必须树立公仆意识,勤勤恳恳地做广大人民群众的公仆。节俭意识本就是中国文化的传统美德,是“艰苦奋斗的生活伦理和政治道德”(中共太原市委党史研究室,2007年4月27日:第六版),要求各级领导干部在生活上自觉勤俭节约反对铺张浪费,工作中厉行节俭、精打细算,用有限的资源办更多实事,思想上自觉拒腐防变,抵制腐朽落后文化。三种意识是一个有机的整体,对各级领导干部队伍建设是一种要求,对于加强领导干部作风建设提出重要指南。


[1]中共太原市委党史研究室.执笔:杨云龙.增强三种意识 转变干部作风[N].太原日报,2007年4月27日第六版. 


1. 要引导官兵强化忧患意识、危机意识、使命意识,做到信念不动摇、思想不松懈、斗志不衰退、作风不涣散,始终保持坚定的革命意志和旺盛的战斗精神。要切实加强军队反腐倡廉建设。军队高级干部要旗帜鲜明反对腐败,带头遵守廉洁自律各项规定。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:217

1. We will educate our officers and soldiers to intensify their ability to respond to adversity and crisis, so that their commitment will remain f1tm, their work determined, their morale high and their discipline unwavering. Our officers and soldiers will maintain an indomitable revolutionary spirit and be dauntless in combat. We will make every effort to combat corruption and promote integrity in the armed forces. Semor officers must take a clear-cut stand against corruption and set an example in abiding by the code of honest conduct. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 239.

2. 形势越变化、党和人民事业越发展,越要重视干部培养。培养干部,要抓好党性教育这个核心, 抓好道德建设这个基础,加强宗旨意识、公仆意识教育。要强化干部实践锻炼,积极为干部锻炼成长搭建平台。—— 《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:417

2. We need to focus more on the training of officials along with the changes of the circumstances and the development of the cause of the Party and the people. In this training, we must pay more attention to education on commitment to the Party, virtue and morality, awareness about the Party’s ultimate goal, and sense of serving the people. We also need to strengthen the training of officials in practical circumstances to facilitate their progress. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 468.


例句 1:
As the actual editor of the discourse, both the political ideology and intellectual ideology adopt the strategy of complicity, which result in penetration of the three type of ideology. At the same time, the conflict was inevitable because of the difference between the ideolgys. In the film text of the 90’s, it took on a complexity of complicity and conflict in the ideology field.

例句 2:

例句 3:





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