

字词 无产阶级国际主义


proletarian internationalism


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 176.


无产阶级国际主义,是马克思主义关于全世界无产阶级维护共同利益、反对共同敌人而实行国际团结的思想;是处理民族之间、各国无产阶级政党和社会主义国家之间平等互助关系的基本准则。无产阶级国际主义的基础首先在于全世界无产阶级的阶级地位、根本利益和最终目的的一致性。马克思和恩格斯提出的“全世界无产者,联合起来”的口号集中体现了无产阶级国际主义的基本精神。到帝国主义时代,被压迫民族的解放斗争和无产阶级革命运动成为冲击帝国主义体系的两股巨流。因此,列宁肯定了“全世界无产者和被压迫民族联合起来”的战略口号,扩展了国际主义的内容。在一系列社会主义国家建立之后,无产阶级国际主义成为社会主义国家间平等互助关系的指导原则(无产阶级国际主义.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/7857473-8131568.html)。无产阶级国际主义的根本目的是通过无产阶级和广大劳动人民的联合斗争,消灭资本主义和其他一切剥削制度,在全世界实现共产主义。在当代国际事务中,要建立最广泛的国际统一战线,反对帝国主义和霸权主义,维护世界和平,促进人类进步。无产阶级国际主义要求各国无产阶级及其政党把本国人民的利益和革命斗争与世界人民的利益和革命斗争结合起来,在独立自主的前提下,彼此同情,密切合作,相互支持。社会主义国家要对其他国家和人民的正义斗争提供力所能及的援助。当代国际关系的发展,使得和平共处五项原则成为公认的一切国家之间关系的共同准则。社会主义国家之间只有恪守和平共处五项原则,才能真正切实贯彻无产阶级国际主义,进一步加强各个领域的交流与合作。




1. 起诉书引用了这样一句话:“不应当把枪口对准自己的兄弟即别国的雇佣奴隶,而要对准各国反动的资产阶级政府和政党。”通过审判,这句话一定会把而且已经把实行无产阶级国际主义、进行无产阶级革命的号召传遍俄国。通过审判,俄国工人先锋队的这一阶级口号已经深入广大群众。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:177

1. Thanks to the trial, the words cited in the indictment: “The guns should be directed, not against our brothers, the wage slaves of other countries, but against the reactionary and bourgeois governments and parties of all countries”—these words will spread—and have already done so—all over Russia as a call for proletarian internationalism, for the proletarian revolution. Thanks to the trial, the class slogan of the vanguard of the workers of Russia has reached the masses. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 176.

2. 革命沙文主义的基础是小资产阶级的阶级地位。小资产阶级总是在资产阶级和无产阶级之间摇摆。现在,它正在沙文主义(沙文主义甚至妨碍它在民主革命中成为彻底革命的阶级)和无产阶级国际主义之间摇摆。目前在俄国,这个小资产阶级的政治代表是劳动派、社会革命党人、《我们的曙光》、齐赫泽党团、组织委员会、普列汉诺夫先生等等。——《列宁全集(第三十卷)》,1985:71

2. Revolutionary chauvinism is based on the class position of the petty bourgeoisie. The latter always vacillates between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. At present, it is vacillating between chauvinism (which prevents it from being consistently revolutionary, even within the meaning of a democratic revolution) and proletarian internationalism. At the moment the Trudoviks, the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Nasha Zarya, Chkheidze’s Duma group, the Organising Committee, Mr. Plekhanov and the like are political spokesmen for this petty bourgeoisie in Russia. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1974: 393.

3. 无论如何,一个明显的事实是,在目前我们党的一千零七十三万党员中,十分之九是在第七次会里入党的。过去无数的经验证明,不少党员在组织上虽然入了党,在思想上却还没有入党,或者没有完全入党。党的各级组织的任务,就是要认真地加强对于广大的新党员的教育,切实地组织和指导他们进行对于马克思列宁主义的学习,对于毛泽东同志的著作的学习,对于党的历史和党的政策的学习,并且加强无产阶级国际主义的教育,以提高他们的觉悟程度,使他们在思想上也具备着成为一个真正合格的共产党员的条件。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:247

3. Anyway, it is a clear fact that 90 percent of the present 10,730,000 members have joined our Party since the Seventh Congress. Experience has shown time and again that many members, although they have joined the Party organizationally, have not or not fully joined ideologically. It is therefore the task of Party organizations at all levels to conscientiously educate the vast numbers of new members more effectively, taking practical measures to organize and guide their study of Marxism-Leninism, Comrade Mao Zedong's writings and the history and policy of our Party and to strengthen their education in proletarian internationalism, so as to raise the level of their political awareness and enable them to become truly qualified ideologically as Party members. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 247.


例句 1:
Although part of Lenin’s thought of “the world revolution” in the stage of imperialism and proletarian internationalism has not accorded with the reality of the contemporary international politics, his views of unity and variety of the revolutionary roads of various countries and respecting the right of independence of each party remain the theoretical foundation for the CPC to formulate the principles of its external contacts.

例句 2:
1914 年世界大战爆发时大多数右派掌权的政党都背叛无产阶级国际主义,转向支持本国资产阶级政府进行的帝国主义战争。——“第一个社会主义政党的国际组织第二国际功败垂成”,载于《中国延安干部学院学报》2014年第6期
When the World War broke out in 1914, most parties controlled by the right betrayed the proletarian internationalism to support the imperialist war of their own national bourgeoisie governments.

例句 3:
The proletarian internationalism consciousness refers to the self-awakening and political claims of the international proletarians’ alliance, the class status and the class mission of the international proletarians from the revolutionary leaders, such as Marx,





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