

字词 三期叠加


to deal with the slowdown in economic growth; make difficult structural adjustments; and absorb the effects of previous economic stimulus policies simultaneously


Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm


三期叠加,属于经济学领域词语,指经济增速的换挡期、结构调整的阵痛期与前期刺激性政策的消化期在同一时间重合出现,产生叠加效应。在2013 年上半年政治局讨论经济形势会上,习近平总书记首次提出我国当前经济正处于“三期叠加”阶段的重要判断。2014 年第二季度政治局经济形势分析会上,习近平对“三期叠加”进行了全面系统分析。第一,增长速度进入换挡期,是由经济发展的客观规律所决定的。国民经济总量等基数增大并且支撑经济发展的人力资源、自然资源以及制度安排和经济政策等要素正在发生变化。“从劳动力、资本、技术进步等生产要素结构分析,从三次产业结构分析,都可看到,我国经济增长速度下降是经济发展的阶段性现象,是一个发生在实体经济层面上的自然过程”(安宇宏,2015:92)。第二,结构调整面临阵痛期,是加快经济发展方式转变的主动选择。各种污染环境的事件发生以及雾霾天气的持续都可以说明经济发展与资源环境的矛盾日趋尖锐,加快转变经济发展方式和调整经济结构刻不容缓。“为了化解过剩产能,优化产业结构,一些行业难免受到较大冲击,有些企业甚至会退出市场,这些不得不付出的代价就是结构调整中的‘阵痛’”(安宇宏,2015:92)。对于我国正在处于转型升级关键期,所以必须痛下决心,遵循结构调整的大势所趋。第三,前期刺激政策消化期,是化解多年来积累的深层次矛盾的必经阶段。“从 2011 年二季度开始,经济增速逐级回落,一直延续到现在, 都可以理解为进入了前期刺激政策的消化期。在这个阶段,虽然刺激政策逐步退出,但政策的累积效应和溢出效应还在发挥作用,对经济结构继续产生深远影响”(安宇宏,2015:92)。




1. 面对“三期叠加”的局面,经济工作遇到不少两难甚至多难问题,需要远近结合,趋利避害,有效应对。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. While dealing with the slowdown in economic growth, making difficult structural adjustments, and absorbing the effects of previous economic stimulus policies, China was also confronted with many difficult problems and choices in the running of the economy, and this called for effective responses based on the need both to combine long-term and short-term considerations and to seek benefit and avoid harm. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

2. 我国发展面临“三期叠加”矛盾,资源环境约束力口大,劳动力等要素成本上升,高投入、高消耗、偏重数量扩张的发展方式已经难以为继,必须推动经济在稳定增长中优化结构。既要稳住速度,确保经济平稳运行,确保居民就业和收入持续增加,为调结构转方式创造有利条件;又要调整结构,务实稳增长的基础。——《2015年政府工作报告》

2. In its current stage of development, China has to deal simultaneously with the slowdown in economic growth, making difficult structural adjustments, and absorbing the effects of previous economic stimulus policies. As resource-related and environmental constraints grow and costs for labor and other factors of production rise, a model of development that draws on high levels of investment and energy consumption and is heavily driven by quantitative expansion becomes difficult to sustain. We must therefore improve the economic structure while ensuring steady growth. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2015.


例句 1:
however, the good strategy of mutual benefit and win-win result, which accompanies with the friction constantly along the Chinese sea frontier and the relevant maritime demarcation dispute continuously, the fierce competition of relevant waters reef , the serious situation of China's “three phase superposition” about safety, the aggravation of related China's safety, which are against the “three forces” and “stability“ task, and China's air and space frontier were constantly plagued with the hostile air spy and challenges.

例句 2:
China's county government supervision work has made considerable progress and achievements, from weak to strong, from the virtual to the real.With years of exploration and construction, Governments at all levels have been basically formed a government supervision work system with Chinese characteristics.

例句 3:





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