字词 | 间接贸易 |
释义 | 间接贸易【英】indirect trade译文来源《21世纪汉英经济实用词典》编写组.21世纪汉英经济实用词典[Z].中国对外翻译出版公司,2005.via: 定义间接贸易是“直接贸易”的对称。它是指出口国与进口国之间不直接进行洽谈和结算,而是通过第三国而不是在生产国与消费国之间直接进行的商品买卖活动。其中,生产国是间接出口,消费国是间接进口,第三国是转口。间接贸易对商品生产国来说是间接出口,它把商品卖给第三国而不是直接卖给消费国。间接贸易对商品消费国来说是间接进口,它不是直接从商品生产国那里购得所需货物而是从第三国购得。即使贸易商品直接由生产国运往消费国,只要生产国和消费国之间没有发生直接交易关系,这种贸易仍属于间接贸易,间接贸易产生的原因主要是生产国和消费国之间的政治、经济关系很不正常,无法开展直接贸易,因此只有借助第三国的力量间接发展贸易往来。某些客观经济条件的制约也可能使得生产国与消费国之间无法开展直接贸易而只能开展间接贸易。此外,某些过节为了避免有关贸易法规的限制,也有可能开展间接贸易(刘伟,1994:310)。 定义来源[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 但是,劳动生产力的发展间接促使现有资本价值增加,因为它增加了使用价值的数量和种类,而这些使用价值体现同一交换价值,并形成资本的物质实体,物质要素,即那些直接构成不变资本和至少间接构成可变资本的物品。用同一资本和同一劳动会创造出更多的可以转化为资本的物品,而不管它们的交换价值如何。这些物品可以用来吸收追加劳动,从而也可以用来吸收追加的剩余劳动,由此形成追加资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷上)》,1974:277 1. Indirectly, however, the development of the productive power of labour contributes to the increase of the value of the existing capital by increasing the mass and variety of use values in which the same exchange value is represented and which form the material substance, i. e., the material elements of capital, the material objects making up the constant capital directly, and the variable capital at least indirectly. More products which may be converted into capital, whatever their exchange value, are created with the same capital and the same labour. These products may serve to absorb additional labour, hence also additional surplus labour, and therefore create additional capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 247. 2. 演讲人利用英国经济学家的材料,详细地阐明了资本的积聚怎样扩大分工(由于简单劳动代替熟练劳动,它使劳动力更为便宜),机器怎样排挤工人,大资本怎样使小企业主和小食利者破产,怎样加剧危机而造成更多失业人口。从他的分析中得出的结论是,贸易自由不外是资本发展的自由。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:229-230 2. And quoting data given by English economists the speaker went on to explain in detail how the concentration of capital increases the division of labour, which cheapens labour-power by substituting unskilled for skilled labour, how the machines oust the workers, how big capital ruins the small industrialists and small rentiers and leads to the intensification of crises, which still further increase the number of unemployed. The conclusion he drew from his analysis was that Free Trade signifies nothing but freedom for the development of capital. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 263. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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